This handbook contains comprehensive information on where, when and the ways to register and vote in a federal election. It also includes information specifically for electors with disabilities.
Always Available Titles
- Author: Elections CanadaSummary:
- Author: Elections CanadaSummary:
De l’information sur les outils et les services de vote qui sont offerts le jour de l’élection.
- Author: Elections CanadaSummary:
Information on tools and services available to help you on election day.
- Author: Elections CanadaSummary:
Une liste complète des pièces d’identité acceptées pour prouver son identité et son adresse au moment de voter.
- Author: Elections CanadaSummary:
A complete list of accepted ID you can use to prove your identity and address when you go to vote.
- Author: Elections CanadaSummary:
Un guide de référence contenant toute l’information nécessaire pour se préparer à voter à la prochaine élection fédérale.
- Author: Elections CanadaSummary:
A reference handbook with all the information you need to prepare to vote in the next federal election.
- Author: Province of British ColumbiaSummary:
The Provincial Accessibility Committee developed recommendations on draft standards that will remove and prevent barriers that restrict people with disabilities from equally participating in the workforce and accessing services in the...
- Author: Province of British ColumbiaSummary:
A standard is a set of rules or guidelines. The Employment Accessibility Standard provides guidance on how to remove barriers for people with disabilities across the whole continuum of employment including hiring, training, retention...
- Author: Province of British ColumbiaSummary:
A standard is a set of rules or guidelines. The Service Delivery Standard provides guidance on how to remove barriers for people with disabilities accessing goods or services from an organization. The goal is that events, activities,...
- Author: Caulfield, MikeSummary:
"This is an unabashedly practical guide for the student fact-checker. It supplements generic information literacy with the specific web-based techniques that can get you closer to the truth on the web more quickly. We will show you how...
- Summary:
"This textbook is a collection of chapters on the essential topics in cultural anthropology. Different from other introductory textbooks, this book is an edited volume with each chapter written by a different author. Each author has...
- Author: Carter, SusanSummary:
"In Australia and internationally much still needs to occur to promote inclusive practices in education and society with many educators not feeling equipped to recognise or appreciate diversity or cater effectively for inclusion. With...
- Author: Overgaard, Mark, Flinn, ChadSummary:
"The Math for Trades: Volume 1 textbook represents the building blocks for math training. The book includes whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents. The material is presented from a trades perspective with easy-to-understand...
- Author: Phelps, Sue F., Frederiksen, LindaSummary:
"Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students is an open textbook designed for students in graduate-level nursing and education programs. Its intent is to recognize the significant role the literature review plays in...
- Summary:
"Knowing Home attempts to capture the creative vision of Indigenous scientific knowledge and technology that is derived from an ecology of a home place. The traditional wisdom component of Indigenous Science - the values and ways of...
- Author: Gay, GregSummary:
"With raised awareness and accessibility laws emerging around the world, understanding what inclusive access to the Web means is becoming necessary knowledge for anyone who produces digital content. Much of the current information on...
- Author: Ashman, MelissaSummary:
"No matter what your field is, having professional communication skills are essential to success in today's workplace. This book covers key business communications topics that will help you in your career, including intercultural...
- Author: Button, Tim, Magnus, P. D.Summary:
"This is a textbook on formal logic. The book is divided into nine parts. Part I introduces the topic and notions of logic in an informal way, without introducing a formal language yet. Parts II-IV concern truth-functional languages. In...
- Author: Abrams, ShaneSummary:
"EmpoWord is a reader and rhetoric that champions the possibilities of student writing. The textbook uses actual student writing to exemplify effective writing strategies, celebrating dedicated college writing students to encourage and...