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Fonts and the Reading Experience

Fonts significantly impact users' reading experience, negatively and positively, which often depends on the reader's preference and what works best for them.

The challenges and difficulties that inaccessible fonts create for readers include:

  • It increases reading time.
  • It decreases text comprehension, requiring it to be re-read more than once.
  • It causes physical issues, such as eye strain, headaches, neck strain, and mental fatigue.
  • Work becomes more difficult and takes more time to complete.
  • If the document is part of a presentation or group activity, it impacts their ability to participate.

If the font is accessible, it has the opposite effect:

  • Reading goes smoothly and at a reasonable speed.
  • They can understand the text they read the first time.
  • They read more comfortably and are less likely to experience physical issues.
  • If the document is accessible, work is easier to complete, and they can participate in group activities.

The font preferences of our experts are not universal, and one size does not fit all. Fonts considered inaccessible can be preferred if that is what one has gotten used to. Our preferences are impacted by years of reading – how we read, what we read, and what is available. Providing multiple customizable options is ideal, but if in doubt, follow the guidelines outlined in the Accessible Font Resource.