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Epic fiction

  • Author:
    de la Roche, Mazo

    Beloved by generations, Mazo de la Roche’s irreplaceable Jalna saga is at last available in a single collected volume. This deluxe edition unites all sixteen Jalna novels and, for the first time, Heather Kirk’s extraordinary 2006 biography of author, painting a complicated portrait of a writer for whom international acclaim was a blessing and a curse. No understanding of the Jalna series is complete without this fascinating exposé of the woman who created it. For lovers of the series, this is truly the authoritative Jalna collection. Includes all of the Jalna novels The Building of Jalna Morning at Jalna Mary Wakefield Young Renny Whiteoak Heritage Whiteoak Brothers Jalna Whiteoaks of Jalna Finch’s Fortune The Master of Jalna Whiteoak Harvest Wakefield’s Course Return to Jalna Renny’s Daughter Variable Winds at Jalna Centenary at Jalna

  • Author:
    de la Roche, Mazo

    Beloved by generations, Mazo de la Roche’s irreplaceable Jalna saga is at last available in a single collected volume. For lovers of the series, this is truly the authoritative collection. The Jalna series is a 16-novel family saga about the Whiteoak family. First published in 1927, Jalna won the Atlantic Monthly Press’s first $10,000 Atlantic Prize Novel award. De la Roche went on to write about the Whiteoak family for the next 30 years, establishing a place for herself in popular Canadian literature. The Jalna series has been translated into many languages and was adapted for stage, radio, and television. Includes all of the Jalna novels: The Building of Jalna Morning at Jalna Mary Wakefield Young Renny Whiteoak Heritage Whiteoak Brothers Jalna Whiteoaks of Jalna Finch’s Fortune The Master of Jalna Whiteoak Harvest Wakefield’s Course Return to Jalna Renny’s Daughter Variable Winds at Jalna Centenary at Jalna

  • Author:

    The Iliad is an epic Greek poem written by philosopher Homer, and is considered one of the oldest pieces of western literature still in existence. The story takes place during the last weeks of the ten year Trojan War, with a focus on the quarrels between King Agamemnon and the legendary warrior Achilles. However, this tale's most famous scene is when the Greek's give a gift to the Trojans of a large wooden horse, but one that is filled with soldiers, that allows the Greeks to infiltrate the high walls of the city of Troy. Many Scholars believe the Iliad was originally composed in an oral tradition, intended to be heard, not read, making this epic classic a must have for audiobook listeners!

  • Author:
    Anderson, Kevin J.

    The final book in the Caladan trilogy, the pivotal events that lead up to Frank Herbert's masterpiece Dune He is Paul Atreides. The son of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, the heir of Caladan. He will become the fabled Muad'Dib. Before he set foot on the sands of Arrakis, Paul was forged into the young man who would become a great leader, a hero ... even a tyrant. Just as he turns fifteen years old, Paul is faced with turbulent crises on Caladan—political turmoil, as well as the unraveling of his family. His mother, Lady Jessica, has been blackmailed and forced by the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood to leave Caladan and become the new concubine of another lord, in an effort to prove her loyalty ... and break her heart. Duke Leto Atreides, driven to extremes to prove his service to Emperor Shaddam, and to preserve and strengthen his Great House at all costs, has undertaken a dangerous mission that goes against the grain of his honor—to pretend to join the violent rebel cause of the bloodthirsty Jaxson Aru, even to befriend the terrorist leader. The loyal Gurney Halleck has been dispatched on a secret, vitally important mission to inform the Emperor of Leto's true cause, that his honor has never wavered ... but Gurney has been intercepted and captured by the terrible Harkonnens. Young Paul is left to serve as the steward to Caladan, his beloved and beautiful world ... and in preparation for that, the young man has been trained in mental acuity by the warrior Mentat Thufir Hawat, pushed to the extremes of his abilities by the faithful Swordmaster Duncan Idaho, and taught in natural science by the Suk Doctor Wellington Yueh, who harbors his own dark secret. Paul must meet every challenge, grow and become strong enough to protect a world ... but the heir of Caladan does not know that these trials will shape him into the man who will conquer an entire Imperium.

  • Author:
    Jordan, Robert

    In this second installment of The Wheel of Time series, young Rand learns that he's The Dragon reborn when he unwittingly uses his powers to subdue the Dark One's warriors. With the discovery, Rand knows he must find the Horn of Valere, with which he can summon the 100 Companions — the greatest warriors that ever lived — from the dead. When he finds it, the Dark One has little hope. Rand finds the Horn, but no sooner than he does, the Dark One's warriors steal it. It's up to Rand to get it back, before the 100 Companions are called to fight for evil, instead of good.

  • Author:
    Norton, Andre

    Adventurous maidens and sinister mages clash in these magical tales by a World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winner and "one of the all-time masters" (Peter Straub). Three different young women, each endowed with extraordinary abilities, pit their powers against warriors, wizards, and royal intrigue to preserve their worlds and stem the tide of evil. Mirror of Destiny: Transformed by a powerful talisman, the orphaned apprentice Twilla defies her king-and escapes her fate as an unwilling bride-in favor of joining a crusade to rescue the vanquished of an ancient magical war and help save the destiny of a disputed land. The Scent of Magic: An orphaned child and captive scullery maid, young Willadene's uncanny ability to smell the magic of the natural world delivers her from servitude-to the highest circles of the Ducal court. But depravity and corruption infest the castle, and the power that has been her fortune now draws her into a maelstrom of evil. Wind in the Stone: An infant girl, abandoned after her mother's death and raised to young womanhood by the strange denizens of the Forest, discovers the wondrous earth magic she wields. Now, Sulerna must confront the brutal sorcerer who enslaved her homeland-and battle an enemy who is both her bane and blood: the twin brother she lost to darkness.

  • Author:
    Tolkien, J. R. R.

    Frodo, a home loving young hobbit, inherits a magic ring and to protect the ring from the powers of darkness he must make a long and dangerous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom. Part I of the "Lord of the Rings."

  • Author:
    Simmons, Dan

    In the continuation of the epic adventure begun in Hyperion, the far future is resplendent with drama and invention. On the world of Hyperion, the mysterious Time Tombs are opening. And the secrets they contain mean that nothing--nothing anywhere in the universe--will ever be the same.

  • Author:
    Jordan, Robert

    In the Second Age, The Dragon subdues the Dark One and his disciples in a mystical prison. The Third Age has begun and the Dragon is gone, but reborn in a boy who doesn't yet know his supreme calling. Time is precious, for the prison degenerates and the Dark One can soon work his evil. Only the boy, Rand, can stop him. From his prison, the Dark One wills his warriors to destroy the Rand's village. But Moiraine, a servant of The Dragon, comes with her Protector. They fight off the warriors and whisk away Rand. He's destined for Tar-Valon, the island city of the Aes Sedai, where he'll discover his power. Can the Dark One stop his journey?

  • Author:
    Ondaatje, Michael

    With ravishing beauty and unsettling intelligence, Michael Ondaatje's Booker Prize-winning novel traces the intersection of four damaged lives in an Italian villa at the end of World War II. Hana, the exhausted nurse; the maimed thief, Caravaggio; the wary sapper, Kip: each is haunted by the riddle of the English patient, the nameless, burned man who lies in an upstairs room and whose memories of passion, betrayal,and rescue illuminates this book like flashes of heat lightening.

  • Author:
    Chakraborty, S. A.

    After a brutal conquest stripped Daevabad of its magic, Nahid leader Banu Manizheh and her resurrected commander, Dara, must try to repair their fraying alliance and stabilize a fractious, warring people. As peace grows more elusive and old players return, Nahri, Ali, and Dara come to understand that in order to remake the world, they may need to fight those they once loved.

  • Author:
    Patchett, Ann.

    "'Do you think it's possible to ever see the past as it actually was'' I asked my sister. We were sitting in her car, parked in front of the Dutch House in the broad daylight of early summer." At the end of the Second World War, Cyril Conroy combines luck and a single canny investment to begin an enormous real estate empire, propelling his family from poverty to enormous wealth. His first order of business is to buy the Dutch House, a lavish estate in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. Meant as a surprise for his wife, the house sets in motion the undoing of everyone he loves. The story is told by Cyril's son Danny, as he and his older sister, the brilliantly acerbic and self-assured Maeve, are exiled from the house where they grew up by their stepmother. The two wealthy siblings are thrown back into the poverty their parents had escaped from and find that all they have to count on is one another. It is this unshakeable bond between them that both saves their lives and thwarts their futures. Set over the course of five decades, The Dutch House is a dark fairy tale about two smart people who cannot overcome their past. Despite every outward sign of success, Danny and Maeve are only truly comfortable when they're together. Throughout their lives they return to the well-worn story of what they've lost with humor and rage. But when at last they're forced to confront the people who left them behind, the relationship between an indulged brother and his ever-protective sister is finally tested. The Dutch House is the story of a paradise lost, a tour de force that digs deeply into questions of inheritance, love and forgiveness, of how we want to see ourselves and of who we really are. Filled with suspense, you may read it quickly to find out what happens, but what happens to Danny and Maeve will stay with you for a very long time.

  • Author:
    Yee, F. C.

    Avatar Yangchen travels to Bin-Er in the Earth Kingdom where corrupt shang merchants are plotting to extract themselves from the influence of the mercurial Earth King with a mysterious weapon of mass destruction.

  • Author:
    Picoult, Jodi

    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the author of Small Great Things and A Spark of Light comes a  “powerful” ( The Washington Post ) novel about the choices that alter the course of our lives. NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY MARIE CLAIRE Everything changes in a single moment for Dawn Edelstein. She’s on a plane when the flight attendant makes an announcement: Prepare for a crash landing. She braces herself as thoughts flash through her mind. The shocking thing is, the thoughts are not of her husband but of a man she last saw fifteen years ago: Wyatt Armstrong. Dawn, miraculously, survives the crash, but so do all the doubts that have suddenly been raised. She has led a good life. Back in Boston, there is her husband, Brian, their beloved daughter, and her work as a death doula, in which she helps ease the transition between life and death for her clients. But somewhere in Egypt is Wyatt Armstrong, who works as an archaeologist unearthing ancient burial sites, a career Dawn once studied for but was forced to abandon when life suddenly intervened. And now, when it seems that fate is offering her second chances, she is not as sure of the choice she once made. After the crash landing, the airline ensures that the survivors are seen by a doctor, then offers transportation to wherever they want to go. The obvious destination is to fly home, but she could take another path: return to the archaeological site she left years before, reconnect with Wyatt and their unresolved history, and maybe even complete her research on The Book of Two Ways—the first known map of the afterlife. As the story unfolds, Dawn’s two possible futures unspool side by side, as do the secrets and doubts long buried with them. Dawn must confront the questions she’s never truly asked: What does a life well lived look like? When we leave this earth, what do we leave behind? Do we make choices ... or do our choices make us? And who would you be if you hadn’t turned out to be the person you are right now?

  • Author:
    Assiniwi, Bernard

    This astounding novel fully deserves to be called a saga. It begins a thousand years ago in the time of the Vikings in Newfoundland. It is crammed with incidents of war and peace, with fights to the death and long nights of lovemaking, and with accounts of the rise of local clan chiefs and the silent fall of great distant empires. Out of the mists of the past it sweeps forward eight hundred years, to the lonely death of the last of the Beothuk.

  • Author:
    Follett, Ken.

    An epic continuation of the series that began with The Pillars of the Earth, The Armor of Light heralds a new dawn for Kingsbridge, England, where progress clashes with tradition, class struggles push into every part of society, and war in Europe engulfs the entire continent and beyond The Spinning Jenny was invented in 1770, and with that, a new era of manufacturing and industry changed lives everywhere within a generation. A world filled with unrest wrestles for control over this new world order: A mother's husband is killed in a work accident due to negligence; a young woman fights to fund her school for impoverished children; a well-intentioned young man unexpectedly inherits a failing business; one man ruthlessly protects his wealth no matter the cost, all the while war cries are heard from France, as Napoleon sets forth a violent master plan to become emperor of the world. As institutions are challenged and toppled in unprecedented fashion, ripples of change ricochet through our characters' lives as they are left to reckon with the future and a world they must rebuild from the ashes of war. Over thirty years ago, Ken Follett published his most popular novel, The Pillars of the Earth. Now, with this electrifying addition to the Kingsbridge series we are plunged into the battlefield between compassion and greed, love and hate, progress and tradition. It is through each character that we are given a new perspective to the seismic shifts that shook the world in nineteenth-century Europe.

  • Author:

    aeneas-the son of a human and Venus, the goddess of love-escapes the siege of Troy with a boat full of other Trojans, and sails for Italy where he is destined to found the city of Rome. A storm diverts them to Carthage, where aeneas meets Dido, the city's ruler and queen. He recounts the tale of his dangerous journey across the Mediterranean to her, and the two fall in love. After the gods remind aeneas that it is his fate to start a new city, he sails for Italy, leaving a devastated Dido behind. The Italians are at first friendly, but when war breaks out, aeneas must fight to fulfill his destiny. Virgil originally wrote his epic poem, The aeneid, in Latin around 20 BCE. This is an unabridged version of the English translation by John Dryden, first published in 1697.

  • Author:
    Vu, Caroline

    Daniel, a young French-Vietnamese man, lies dying in a Montreal hospital. Spurned by his family for contracting AIDS in Provincetown, Daniel spends his last months in despair. Only his cousin Mai stays by his side to record the darkest of family secrets. From French Indochina to present day North America, this novel follows three generations of a Vietnamese family as they endure their own folly and the whims of history.

  • Author:
    Clavell, James

    It is the early nineteenth century, when European traders and adventurers first began to penetrate the forbidding Chinese mainland. And it is in this exciting time and exotic place that a giant of an Englishman, Dirk Struan, sets out to turn the desolate island of Hong Kong into an impregnable fortress of British power- and to make himself supreme ruler: Tai-Pan!

  • Author:
    Wight, Will

    Outside Sacred Valley, ancient ruins rise from the earth, drawing sacred artists from miles around to fight for the treasures within. Lindon has reached Copper, taking the first step on the road to power, but the warriors of the outside world are still far beyond him. To advance, he turns to the arcane skills of the Soulsmiths, who craft weapons from the stuff of souls. With new powers come new enemies, and Lindon soon finds himself facing an entire sect of Golds.


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