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Epic fiction

  • Author:
    Leconte de Lisle

    Les aventures que rencontre Ulysse, l'un des principaux stratèges du siège de Troie, lors de son retour dans sa patrie portent son nom : Odysseus (soit Ulysse en grec) ou Odyssée en français. Des 24 chapitres qui composent l'Odyssée nous n'avons conservé que les plus célèbres, le texte étant une adaptation de la traduction de Leconte de LIsle publiée dans les années 1870. On y a apporté quelques amendements en préservant sa valeur littéraire et tout en lui rendant, quand c'était possible, la vigueur de la parole. Michel Chaigneau met ses talents d'acteur et son sens du récit au service de la célèbre épopée. Metteur en scène et acteur, Michel Chaigneau s'est illustré dans de nombreuses pièces classiques et contemporaines. Il prête régulièrement sa voix à des émissions de radio pour des lectures et des fictions dramatiques. Texte mis en son par le Studio 43.

  • Author:
    Hugo, Victor

    The novel that inspired the beloved Broadway musical: Jean Valjean's immortal adventure among the dispossessed of nineteenth-century Paris. Widely considered Victor Hugo's masterpiece, Les Miserables is both an epic story and a penetrating social criticism of nineteenth-century France. In this tale of crime, punishment, love, and the pursuit of justice, we meet some of the most unforgettable characters in literature, including Jean Valjean, the heroic peasant arrested for stealing a loaf of bread; Cossette, the abused daughter of a prostitute; and Inspector Javert, the policeman who relentlessly hounds Valjean at every turn. With encyclopedic sweep, Hugo's novel investigates topics ranging from the construction of Parisian sewers to the Battle of Waterloo. First published in 1862, Les Miserables has inspired numerous film adaptions as well as the long-running stage musical by Claude-Michel Schonberg. It is, in the words of Upton Sinclair, "one of the half-dozen greatest novels in the world." This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

  • Author:
    Tremblay d'Essiambre, Louise

    Les héritiers du fleuve tome 4: 1931-1939 D’une rive à l’autre du Saint-Laurent, des familles attachantes aux destins entrecroisés voguent entre amitiés et rivalités, drames déchirants et bonheurs intenses. Dans ce quatrième et dernier tome, nous assistons aux bouleversements causés par la Crise de 1929. Touchant surtout les citadins comme Paul et Réginald, l’implacable réalité entraînera des choix difficiles et des situations précaires. À l’Anse-aux-Morilles, où les effets économiques de la crise se font moins sentir, Matthieu et Prudence doivent tout de même se réinventer un quotidien. De l’autre côté du fleuve, alors que Gilberte se bâtit doucement une vie sereine avec Célestin et Germain, la tragédie guette; Victoire, Lionel, James et Lysbeth ont beau être bien entourés, reste que les années passent et le dur labeur laisse des traces... Dans ce dénouement magistral, les personnages que nous avons tant aimés nous font leurs adieux, chacun à sa façon. Un ultime rendez-vous riche en émotions et en souvenirs impérissables. Avec plus de deux millions d’exemplaires vendus et trente-sept ouvrages publiés, dont les séries ultrapopulaires Les sœurs Deblois, Les années du silence et la saga en douze tomes Mémoires d’un quartier, Louise Tremblay-D’Essiambre s’est taillé une place incomparable dans le paysage littéraire québécois.

  • Author:
    LaDuke, Winona

    In this highly anticipated new edition of her debut novel, Winona LaDuke weaves a nonlinear narrative of struggle and triumph, resistance and resilience, spanning seven generations from the 1800s to the early 2000s.

  • Author:
    Auel, Jean M.

    A novel set 25,000 years ago is the sixth book in the author's landmark series and continues the story of Ayla and Jondalar.

  • Author:
    Dussault, Danielle

    À la manière d'une longue déambulation intérieure, Danielle Dussault propose ici un roman choral tout sauf conventionnel, porté par les voix de trois femmes fortes, distinctes, mais unies par leur quête de liberté. Le fleuve, indéniablement, rejoint ces femmes. C'est par ce mystère, ce cours invisible, que toute la trame narrative s'impose. Trois femmes se retrouvent au bord d'un fleuve afin de raconter à leur façon un destin unique. Entre le désir d'enracinement et la tentation de la fuite qui relient les trois narratrices, chaque parcours est ponctué de périodes charnières et de rites de passage qui les définissent en tant que femmes. Autant de trajectoires qui les amèneront à se rejoindre dans l'affirmation d'une identité unifiée.

  • Author:
    Bohjalian, Chris

    «Peu d’écrivains savent mener une intrigue avec autant de force et d’élégance.» The New York Times Book Review Alep (Syrie), 1915. La Première Guerre mondiale fait rage. Elizabeth Endicott, une jeune Américaine, se rend en Syrie avec son diplôme universitaire en poche et quelques notions de médecine. Elle se porte volontaire pour distribuer de la nourriture et donner les premiers secours aux réfugiés arméniens, victimes du génocide. Sur place, elle se lie d’amitié avec Armen, un jeune ingénieur arménien qui a perdu sa femme et sa fille. Quand Armen quitte Alep pour s’engager dans l’armée anglaise en Égypte, il entame une correspondance avec Elizabeth et comprend qu’il est tombé amoureux de cette riche Américaine, si différente de la femme qu’il a perdue. Bronxville, banlieue de New York, 2012. Laura Petrosian, une romancière new-yorkaise, n’a jamais accordé beaucoup d’importance à ses origines arméniennes, jusqu’au jour où elle reçoit l’appel d’une amie qui a reconnu la grand-mère de Laura sur une photo exposée au musée de Boston. La romancière entreprend alors un voyage à travers son histoire familiale et découvre un grand amour, le chagrin, et un terrible secret enfoui depuis des générations.

  • Author:
    Tremblay d'Essiambre, Louise

    Dans le deuxième volet de cette série dont l’intrigue se déroule sur deux continents, les grands événements de l’Histoire teintent le quotidien de gens qui nous sont chers. Tandis qu’en France Bertha et Jacob Reif, Brigitte, Rémi, Françoise et sa famille subissent directement les affres du conflit et s’affairent à survivre, Gilberte, Ernest et leurs proches tentent au Québec de trouver un sens à cette guerre horrible. Des camps de la mort au débarquement de Normandie, de l’occupation de Paris aux villes anonymes dans lesquelles les épouses essaient de se fondre en vue de de protéger leur famille ou encore des rues de Québec aux villages de Charlevoix, la cruelle réalité de la vie en temps de guerre se déploie. Avec une douloureuse acuité, L’amour au temps d’une guerre nous invite dans le cœur de ces gens admirables à qui on souhaite le salut. Mais bien que la fin du conflit permette des retrouvailles bouleversantes pour quelques élus, elle dénombrera également beaucoup trop de vies perdues ou brisées. Heureusement, l’amour, lui, trouve toujours la force de vaincre… Une guerre, deux continents, trois familles: une saga époustouflante. Du grand Louise Tremblay d’Essiambre! Avec plus de deux millions d’exemplaires vendus et trente-neuf ouvrages publiés, dont les séries Les héritiers du fleuve, Les sœurs Deblois, Les années du silence et Mémoires d’un quartier, Louise Tremblay d’Essiambre est une incontournable dans le paysage littéraire québécois.

  • Author:
    Wu, Cheng'en

    "The fantastic tale recounts the sixteen-year pilgrimage of the monk Hsuan-tsang (596-664), one of China's most illustrious religious heroes, who journeyed to India with four animal disciples in quest of Buddhist scriptures. For nearly a thousand years, his exploits were celebrated and embellished in various accounts, culminating in the hundred-chapter Journey to the West, which combines religious allegory with romance, fantasy, humor and satire."--Book cover.

  • Author:
    de la Roche, Mazo

    History flows swiftly on, and even the formidable family home of Jalna is swept up in its currents in this collection of books 9-12 of the Jalna series. Fortunes rise and crumble as older generations give way to the young, and the reins of tradition strain against the swift rush of progress reshaping the world. Follow the Whiteoak descendants through a disastrous inheritance, financial calamity, and the heartbreaks great and small that come with time. IncludesFinch's FortuneThe Master of JalnaWhiteoak HarvestWakefield's Course

  • Author:
    de la Roche, Mazo

    Perhaps the most classic novels of Mazo de la Roche's monumental family saga are these four, which were the first books written in the series, though they fall in the middle of her books' multi-generation narrative. These, including the original novel Jalna, were the books that first established the world of Jalna in the minds of readers and de la Roche herself, and set the stage for the twelve sequels and prequels that were to follow. Includes Whiteoak Heritage Whiteoak Brothers Jalna Whiteoaks of Jalna

  • Author:
    de la Roche, Mazo

    All good things must come to an end, and this four-book bundle closes Mazo de la Roche’s beloved Jalna series with stories of return, rebirth, and hope for a new day. As the dark clouds of World War II begin to clear, the scattered Whiteoak clan returns to its roots, and draws strength from renewed family ties, even if inner peace remains elusive. But life continues at its own pace, with all the departures and unexpected arrivals that entails. As the venerable family manor approaches its centenary and the Whiteoaks try to stage a grand reunion, hopes and tensions run high as de la Roche brings the Jalna saga to a masterful conclusion. Includes Return to Jalna Renny’s Daughter Variable Winds at Jalna Centenary at Jalna

  • Author:
    de la Roche, Mazo

    Chronicling the early years of the formidable manor Jalna and the Whiteoak family who inhabit it, this bundle gathers together the first four novels in Mazo de la Roche's treasured Canadian saga.IncludesThe Building of JalnaMorning at JalnaMary WakefieldYoung Renny

  • Author:
    de la Roche, Mazo

    All good things must come to an end, and this four-book bundle closes Mazo de la Roche's beloved Jalna series with stories of return, rebirth, and hope for a new day. As the dark clouds of World War II begin to clear, the scattered Whiteoak clan returns to its roots, and draws strength from renewed family ties, even if inner peace remains elusive. But life continues at its own pace, with all the departures and unexpected arrivals that entails. As the venerable family manor approaches its centenary and the Whiteoaks try to stage a grand reunion, hopes and tensions run high as de la Roche brings the Jalna saga to a masterful conclusion. Includes: Return to Jalna Renny's Daughter Variable Winds at Jalna Centenary at Jalna

  • Author:
    Herbert, Brian, Anderson, Kevin J.

    Book One in the classic conclusion to Frank Herbert's worldwide bestselling Dune Chronicles Hunters of Dune and the concluding volume, Sandworms of Dune, bring together the great story lines and beloved characters in Frank Herbert's classic Dune universe, ranging from the time of the Butlerian Jihad to the original Dune series and beyond. Based directly on Frank Herbert's final outline, which lay hidden in a safe-deposit box for a decade, these two volumes will finally answer the urgent questions Dune fans have been debating for two decades. At the end of Chapterhouse: Dune—Frank Herbert's final novel—a ship carrying the ghola of Duncan Idaho, Sheeana (a young woman who can control sandworms), and a crew of various refugees escapes into the uncharted galaxy, fleeing from the monstrous Honored Matres, dark counterparts to the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. The nearly invincible Honored Matres have swarmed into the known universe, driven from their home by a terrifying, mysterious Enemy. As designed by the creative genius of Frank Herbert, the primary story of Hunters and Sandworms is the exotic odyssey of Duncan's no-ship as it is forced to elude the diabolical traps set by the ferocious, unknown Enemy. To strengthen their forces, the fugitives have used genetic technology from Scytale, the last Tleilaxu Master, to revive key figures from Dune's past—including Paul Muad'Dib and his beloved Chani, Lady Jessica, Stilgar, Thufir Hawat, and even Dr. Wellington Yueh. Each of these characters will use their special talents to meet the challenges thrown at them. Failure is unthinkable—not only is their survival at stake, but they hold the fate of the entire human race in their hands.

  • Author:
    Smith, Ali

    There's a renaissance artist of the 1460s. There's the child of a child of the 1960s. Two tales of love and injustice twist into a singular yarn where time gets timeless, structural gets playful, knowing gets mysterious, fictional gets real - and all life's givens get given a second chance.

  • Author:
    Herbert, Frank

    Heretics of Dune, the fifth installment in Frank Herbert's classic sci-fi series. On Arrakis, now called Rakis, known to legend as Dune, ten times ten centuries have passed. The planet is becoming desert again. The Lost Ones are returning home from the far reaches of space. The great sandworms are dying, and the Bene Gesserit and the Bene Tleilax struggle to direct the future of Dune. The children of Dune's children awaken as from a dream, wielding the new power of a heresy called love.

  • Author:
    Hess, Marie

    Written by a Mohawk Institute Residential School survivor, this is a fierce and candid story that reveals the heartbreaking trauma of that tragic time in our history. The author portrays how the ongoing impact of the residential schools confinements has affected Indigenous communities over several generations and has contributed to many social problems that continue to exist today. By exploring that devastating history, the author finds and celebrates the resilient and hopeful spirit that many residential school survivors, like herself, have managed to retain in the face of horror and torment. This book is an essential read in understanding the true modern history of this land and in honouring the people who survived it.

  • Author:
    Herbert, Frank

    More than three thousand years have passed since the first events recorded in Frank Herbert's DUNE. Only one link survives with those tumultuous times: the grotesque figure of Leto Atreides, son of the prophet Paul Muad'Dib, and now the virtually immortal God Emperor of Dune. He alone understands the future, and he knows with a terrible certainty that the evolution of his race is at an end unless he can breed new qualities into his species. But to achieve his final victory, Leto Atreides must also bring about his own downfall . . .

  • Author:
    Wight, Will

    Long ago, the Monarch Northstrider created a world of his own. This world, known as Ghostwater, housed some of his most valuable experiments. Now, it has been damaged by the attack of the Bleeding Phoenix, and a team of Skysworn have been sent to recover whatever they can from the dying world. Now, Lindon must brave the depths of this new dimension, scavenging treasures and pushing his skills to new heights to compete with new enemies. Because Ghostwater is not as empty as it seems.


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