Set in Saskatchewan during the Great Depression, this is the story of hockey legend Gordie Howe and his first experience with skating. The book is charmingly illustrated in full colour by Leanne Franson. Bill Waiser is a popular...
Juvenile nonfiction
- Author:Waiser, BillSummary:
- Author:Siegal, ArankaSummary:
Liberated from a German concentration camp at the end of World War II but haunted by the memory of her ordeal, fifteen-year-old Piri starts a strange new life as a Jew in Sweden.
- Author:Chin, JasonSummary:
What keeps objects from floating out of your hand? What if your feet drifted away from the ground? What stops everything from floating into space? Gravity. Author Jason Chin takes this complex subject and makes it brilliantly accessible...
- Author:McAllister, Ian, Van Tol, AlexSummary:
In the northwest corner of British Columbia, between the Alaska-BC border and the northern tip of Vancouver Island, lies a land of forest green and sparkling blue. From massive whales to tiny herring, spirit bears to sea wolves, an...
- Author:Fournel, KellySummary:
Profiles of ten outstanding women leaders, including Suzanne Rochon-Burnett, a Métis broadcaster, journalist and First Nations advocate, winner of the Governor General’s Award for her work on Native Women’s rights; Susan Aglukark, Inuit...
- Author:Ball, HeatherSummary:
Since the days of ancient Egypt, women have demonstrated their skills as leaders. The last couple of hundred years, however, have seen increasing numbers of self-made women of distinction take their place on the world stage, many in...
- Author:Emery, JoannaSummary:
Icky, sticky, slimy and smelly - the human body is amazing, but it's pretty nasty sometimes too! Find answersto your questions about your body: Whay are boogers green? What is a fart and why does it smess? Where does belly button...
- Author:Sturm, JeanneSummary:
Young Readers Will Discover What They Can Do To Make Greener Choices As They Grow Up.
- Author:Utton, DominicSummary:
Ce livre apprend aux enfants à devenir de vrais aventuriers ! Il regorge de conseils et d'astuces pour les expéditions en pleine nature : chasser, pêcher, s'orienter et survivre à tous les dangers. L'ouvrage est ponctué de récits...
- Author:Lambert, TonyaSummary:
Spooks and spirits, ghosts and goblins, witches and the's of the most widely celebrated holidays of the year. But why do we trick-or-treat, carve pumpkins and dress up in costumes? What are the legends and...
- Author:Hilliard, RichardSummary:
Describes the role played by the chimpanzee, Ham, in developing manned space flight in the U.S.
- Author:Levine, KarenSummary:
In March 2000, a suitcase arrived at a children's Holocaust education center in Tokyo, Japan from the Auschwitz museum in Germany. Fumiko Ishioka, the center's curator, was captivated by the writing on the outside that identified its...
- Author:Levin, Karen, Emil, SherSummary:
In the spring of 2000, Fumiko Ishioka, the curator of a small Holocaust education centre for children in Tokyo, received a special shipment of artifacts from the Auschwitz museum. Among the items was an empty suitcase. From the moment...
- Author:Poskitt, KjartanSummary:
Before Harry Houdini (1874-1926) became the greatest magician in the world, he was just little Ehrich Weisz, a Hungarian-born immigrant who moved to America with his family and performed stage tricks for a little extra cash. He started...
- Author:Ofanansky, Allison MaileSummary:
The olive harvest in Israel is a special time. See how the tiny spring flowers blossom into green fruit, then ripen into shiny black olives. Watch the olives as they're gathered, sorted, and pressed into oil. Then celebrate...
- Author:Galford, EllenSummary:
Convinced that unnamed babies are not truly alive, King Tuthmosis I's wife Ahmose immediately names her newborn daughter Hatshepsut. This tiny girl will one day rise above her name and become not just "the foremost of women" but ruler...
- Author:Sutherland, Joel A.Summary:
The tenth book in the bestselling series of hauntingly true Canadian stories - back, and scarier than ever! Even more chilling ghost stories from all across our spooky land. Moody black-and-white illustrations and photographs enhance...
- Author:Sutherland, Joel A.Summary:
Get underneath the covers, because between these book covers are stories about a supernatural sea hag that haunts Dobbins Gardens marsh on Bell Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, a used book from a Barrie, Ontario book shop that...
- Author:Schultz Nicholson, LornaSummary:
From the time she was young, Hayley Wickenheiser was a stand out on the rink. There weren't any teams for girls, so she played on boys' teams. She earned a spot on Alberta's under 18 team when she was only 12 and joined the Canadian...
- Author:Davidson, CarliSummary:
From wet noses to fuzzy paws, babies and toddlers will love learning the parts of the body from the adorable dogs and puppies in Heads & Tails. With lively images from the lens of expert animal photographer Carli Davidson, this...