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Medicine, health and fitness

  • Author:
    Taub, Marc B.

    Visual Diagnosis and Care of the Patient with Special Needs provides a thorough review of the eye and vision care needs of patients with special needs. This book gives you a better understanding of the most frequently encountered developmental and acquired disabilities seen in the eye care practitioner's office. These disabilities include patients with autism, brain injury, Fragile X syndrome and Down syndrome, as well as those with psychiatric illness, dual diagnosis and more. The text discusses, in great detail, the visual issues inherent in these populations and their possible treatment. A group of authors with approximately 500 years of experience in the field of eye care and special populations have been brought together to develop this comprehensive reference. It may appear that this book is written primarily for eye care practitioners such as optometrists and ophthalmologists, while vision is the overriding topic, this book serves as an excellent resource for a multitude of professions including those engaged in occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, physiatry, social work, pediatric medicine and special education.

  • Author:
    Smith, Rick, Lourie, Bruce

    Ce livre provocateur – devenu un best-seller dès sa parution en langue anglaise – nous force à regarder autrement nos habitudes de consommation en nous montrant comment elles nous empoisonnent au quotidien. Toutes sortes d’objets d’usage courant à la maison ou au travail dégagent des substances toxiques en quantités non négligeables. Comment s’infiltrent-elles en nous, quels effets ont-elles sur notre santé et, surtout, comment pouvons-nous nous défendre contre cette invasion sournoise ? Rick Smith et Bruce Lourie, deux grands noms du mouvement écologiste au Canada, s’attaquent au problème en s’auto-administrant un certain nombre de ces poisons quotidiens. En quatre jours, nos deux héros intrépides, sinon téméraires, avalent et inhalent sept substances potentiellement nocives qui contaminent la planète entière. Tout en mesurant leur charge corporelle avant et après chaque expérience – avec des résultats parfois affolants –, ils nous racontent l’histoire de ces poisons ordinaires. Cette pollution insidieuse est invisible, difficile à déceler, encore plus difficile à évaluer : comment être certain des dommages exacts causés par des substances aussi répandues ? Malgré tout, l’alarme se propage. Médecins et infirmiers, mères et militantes protestent contre l’introduction de ces composés toxiques dans des objets d’usage courant sans notre consentement éclairé ni l’ombre d’une preuve d’innocuité. Les autorités commencent seulement à prendre acte. Ultimement plein d’espoir, Vilain petit canard prépare habilement ses lecteurs non seulement à assainir leur milieu de vie immédiat, mais aussi à lutter pour un monde meilleur. Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur cette pollution intime et ses sources domestiques, lisez ce livre. Vous ne regarderez plus jamais un canard de bain du même œil.

  • Author:
    Freston, Kathy

    Kathy Freston shows listeners how to lean into the veganist life. Effortless weight loss, reversal of disease, environmental responsibility, and spiritual awakening are just a few of the ten profound changes that can be achieved through a gentle switch in food choices.

  • Author:

    A point-of-care guide for internal medicine trainees. When students and residents begin a new rotation in internal medicine, they often start from scratch, relying on their own research to prepare for consultations. What questions are crucial during history taking? What should the physical examination and investigations focus on? What should the consultation write-up include? Now, physician learners can turn to Vancouver Notes for Internal Medicine for guidance on conducting consultations in each of the core internal medicine subspecialties. Vancouver Notes provides learners with an organized approach to common presentations in internal medicine. For each subspecialty, it lays out the process for identifying key information and communicating findings and management recommendations to a patient's health-care team. Developed through the efforts of more than 90 resident physicians and faculty members at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver Notes combines valuable clinical pearls in a single, accessible resource to give students and residents the tools they need to succeed from day one.

  • Author:
    Lapum, Jennifer, Dubey, Vinita, Beckermann, Karen, Huang, Che-Sheu, Weeks, Carly, Leslie, Kate, English, Kim, St-Amant, Oona

    "This open access textbook is intended to guide best practices in vaccine delivery in Canada. This resource is designed for students in post-secondary health profession programs, including nursing. It may also be useful for graduate students and healthcare providers. This textbook provides information related to clinical practice, including the administration of vaccine, and communication with clients."--BCcampus website.

  • Author:
    Challem, Jack, Smith, Melissa Diane

    Explains this remarkable vitamin's benefits and how readers can put it to work for them.

  • Author:
    Mackay, Douglas

    Hepatitis is a common causes of illness and death. Many types of hepatitis are caused by viruses, whereas other types result from the liver being overwhelmed by toxins, including alcohol and drugs. In this User's Guide, Dr. MacKay describes the most common forms of hepatitis, their causes, and ways to reduce your risk of contracting or developing them. He also describes vitamins, herbs, and other supplements that can help you reduce symptoms of hepatitis, including elevated liver enzymes, so you can lead a healthier life.

  • Author:
    Broadhurst, Leigh

    Explains the scientific rationale behind bee foods and describes how they can improve health.

  • Author:
    Janson, Michael

    In this concise Users Guide, Michael Janson describes the best nutritional and herbal supplements for preventing and reversing heart disease. Some of these supplements, such as coenzyme Q10 and hawthorn, many be less well known than others, but they are still powerful, natural health-promoting substances. Dr. Janson also provides clear guidelines for how to use these supplements safely.

  • Author:
    Toews, Victoria Dolby

    This book is important reading for anyone who wants to know how air quality relates to health and how it can be improved in their personal environments.

  • Author:
    Watson, Cynthia M.

    This book places the Bach remedies within the context of homepathic medicine and fully explores their history, as well as the philosophy behind their appropriate use.

  • Author:

    This anthology presents forty narratives, both nonfiction and fiction, that together capture the impact and complexity of Alzheimer's and other dementias on patients as well as their caregivers and family.

  • Author:
    Bresnahan, Andrew, Brindamour, Mahli, Charles, Christopher, Meili, Ryan

    When patients visit a clinic or hospital, they bring stories of the everyday life conditions that made them sick in the first place – stories about where they work, live, and play; stories about income, food security, and housing. Doctors today are listening. Personal stories and patient encounters illuminate the social determinants of health, that is, the upstream source of what too often become complex, painful, and expensive downstream problems. Upstream Medicine features interviews by medical students and residents with leading physicians whose practices bring evidence-based, upstream ideas to life. They show how we can change the practice of medicine to build a healthier society.

  • Author:
    Cleghorn, Elinor

    Elinor Cleghorn became an unwell woman ten years ago. She was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease after a long period of being told her symptoms were anything from psychosomatic to a possible pregnancy. As Elinor learned to live with her unpredictable disease she turned to history for answers, and found an enraging legacy of suffering, mystification, and misdiagnosis. In Unwell Women Packed with character studies and case histories of women who have suffered, challenged, and rewritten medical orthodoxy-and the men who controlled their fate-this is a revolutionary examination of the relationship between women, illness, and medicine. With these case histories, Elinor pays homage to the women who suffered so strides could be made, and shows how being unwell has become normalized in society and culture, where women have long been distrusted as reliable narrators of their own bodies and pain. But the time for real change is long overdue: answers reside in the body, in the testimonies of unwell women-and their lives depend on medicine learning to listen.

  • Author:
    Thomson, Helen

    Helen Thomson has spent years traveling the world, tracking down incredibly rare brain disorders. In this book, she tells the stories of nine extraordinary people she encountered along the way. From the man who thinks he's a tiger to a woman who hears music that's not there, these people have had experiences that illustrate how the brain can shape our lives in unexpected and, in some cases, brilliant and alarming ways.

  • Author:
    Gundry, Steven R.

    Grounded in cutting-edge science, Dr. Gundry reveals the biological mechanism that makes keto diets so successful and shows listeners how to reap the rewards of keto with less restriction.

  • Author:
    Rawls, William

    Lyme disease is one of the most puzzling illnesses on the planet. Anyone who has suffered from its debilitating symptoms knows the frustrations of trying to find a cure. Many sufferers drag themselves from one doctor or alternative practitioner to the next, getting lost in a maze of lab tests, prescription drugs, and treatments. Thousands of dollars and months (or years) later, they realize they are no better off than where they started. Unlocking Lyme puts an end to this desperate quest. Written by Dr. Bill Rawls, a physician who overcame Lyme disease himself, this book is a comprehensive, practical resource full of solutions that work.

  • Author:
    Fields-Meyer, Thomas, Prizant, Barry M.

    While it never discounts the difficulties of living with autism, this book offers inspiring stories and practical advice drawn from Dr. Prizant's four-decade career. It offers a compassionate perspective that family members and professionals will find uplifting and hopeful.

  • Author:
    Poirier St-Georges, Emmanuelle

    "Je m’appelle Emmanuelle, j’ai vingt-huit ans et j’ai l’ataxie de Friedreich. C’est clair, concis, direct. Ce sont trois faits. Il y a en un d’entre eux que je n’ai pas accepté du jour au lendemain, je vous laisse deviner lequel. J’ai reçu mon diagnostic de maladie à quinze ans, je suis en fauteuil roulant depuis mes dix-sept ans… « D’ailleurs, jeune, j’étais trop jeune me suis-je toujours dit. Mais sommes-nous jamais assez âgés pour se faire dire qu’on souffre d’une maladie génétique, neurologique et dégénérative en plus ? Que notre état de santé se détériorera jusqu’à ce qu’on en crève ? Je ne pense pas. » Je vous raconte mon parcours avec une ironie mordante, une certaine candeur et ce que ma première lectrice a qualifié « d’une authenticité bouleversante ». J’ai dû faire, tout au long des années, un travail monstre sur moi-même en essayant de composer avec les aléas de la vie – de ma vie – et me construire l’illusion que tout finira bien. Mais est-ce une illusion ? Après tout, c’est ma fin. Mon histoire. J’en suis l’auteure, non ? Bref, je me livre. Dans tous les sens."

  • Author:
    Rastelli, Linda G., Grandin, Temple, Shore, Stephen M.

    Autism affects more than one million children and adults in the United States, and parents may be confused by the behavior of autistic children. This book provides help and hope by explaining the differences between various types of autism and delivering the lowdown on behavioral, educational, medical and other interventions. Featuring inspiring autism success stories, as well as a list of organizations where people who support those with autism can go for additional help, it offers practical advice on how to educate children and insights on helping people with autism use their strengths to maximize their potential in life.


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