Each volume in the Kappianaqtut series provides readers with an in-depth academic examination of two mythological creatures from Inuit mythology. The series examines Inuit myths from an ethnographic perspective and fosters discussion on...
Myths and folk tales
- Author:Christopher, NeilSummary:
- Author:Lewis, MarionSummary:
The legend of Kaugjagjuk--a mistreated orphan who gains the strength to stand up for himself with a little help from the Man of the Moon--is a traditional Inuit tale told throughout the Arctic.
Re-imagined for modern audiences by...
- Author:Flynn, BenedictSummary:
These stories are about how, many years ago, Arthur the once and future King of England, set out to save his country from the troubles that plagued it, aided by the brave knights of his round table, and the most famous sword in the...
- Author:Buck, WilfredSummary:
Kitcikisik / Great Sky: Stories That Fill the Night Sky, is a Cree perspective on stars and constellations. For millennia, humans have stared into the night sky and wondered. Every culture on the face of Nikawiy Aski, Mother Earth, have...
- Author:Baugh, Laura VanArendonkSummary:
Sequel to the award-winning Kitsune-Tsuki Following the search for the shape-shifting kitsune, onmyouji Tsurugu no Kiyomori serves Naka no Yoritomo and his new wife Kaede, protecting their household from the supernatural and warning of...
- Author:Isluanik, HenrySummary:
Henry Isluanik retells the Kiviuq legend, a version passed on to him by his mother, of a courageous hunter who was swept out to sea during a storm and who spent many years trying to find his way back home.
- Author:Yoon, KyungAhSummary:
Korean Through Folktales consists of four chapters and each centers on a famous Korean folktale. The lessons and values that famous folktales teach are embedded and permeated in various aspects of the Koran culture. Using folktales in...
- Author:Andersen, H. C.Summary:
Un recueil de contes dans lequel les fleurs, animaux, fées, elfes et lutins parlent aux enfants mais où la critique sociale transparaît néanmoins.
- Author:Andersen, H. C.Summary:
« Au sommet des montagnes suisses, au creux des grands glaciers, vit la Vierge des glaces, redoutable reine des neiges éternelles. Le jeune Rudy lui a échappé de peu et, depuis ce jour, elle attend de pouvoir enfin l'étreindre...
- Author:Perrault, CharlesSummary:
Abandonné avec ses frères dans la forêt, le petit Poucet sème derrière lui des cailloux blancs qui lui permettront de retrouver le chemin de la maison... La version intégrale et originale du célèbre conte de Perrault,...
- Author:Scott, MarcSummary:
Recueil de 44 histoires variées glanées à travers le Canada chez les peuples des premières nations et les inuits. Un portrait des autochtones du Canada à travers leurs histoires, leurs contes, leurs chansons et leurs légendes. Trente...
- Author:La Fontaine, Jean de.Summary:
"Michel Galabru et Jean Topart apportent à la musicalité des vers du fabuliste, la séduction de leur voix respective. Deux timbres caractéristiques, signatures vocales de deux des plus grands comédiens de leur génération qui...
- Author:Andersen, Hans-ChristianSummary:
Pour s'endormir ou éveiller son imagination, pour développer son attention, inspirer ou partager, ces dix plus belles histoires pour les enfants sont un accompagnement incontournable. Les parents y retrouveront les contes qui ont...
- Author:Summary:
Le recueil Légendes manitobainesoffre au lecteur la possibilité de goûter à une partie de la richesse du folklore manitobain. Louisa Picoux et Edwige Grolet proposent des textes qui nous transportent dans le temps. Ces légendes s’...
- Author:Schein, MaggieSummary:
In this collection of fables in the literary tradition of Italo Calvino, Maggie Schein brings together medicine men, monks, immortals, witches, seekers, souls in various stages of their cycles in and out of lived-life, and the...
- Author:Thomas, AidenSummary:
"There are moments of true tenderness, hope, and grief in this haunting, magical tale, and the narrator makes it all convincing. Teenage listeners will be drawn into this enchanting story." - Booklist, starred review. When...
- Author:Soundar, ChitraSummary:
Being a wise and just ruler is no easy task. That's what Prince Veera discovers when he and his best friend, Suku, are given the opportunity to preside over the court of his father, King Bheema. Some of the subjects'...
- Author:Oh, TemiSummary:
A reimagining of the Greek myth of Eurydice and Orpheus, for fans of Becky Chambers and William Gibson by Alex Award–winning author Temi Oh. Using the myth of Eurydice as a structure, this riveting science fiction novel is set in a...
- Author:Auger, DaleSummary:
Winner of the Aboriginal Children's Book of the Year Award, 2006 Anskohk Aboriginal Literature Festival and Book Awards Kayâs is a young Cree man who is blessed with a Gift that makes him a talented hunter. He knows the ways of the...
- Author:Hamilton, EdithSummary:
Brings to life for the modern reader the Greek, Roman, and Norse myths that are the keystone of Western culture--the stories of gods and heroes that have inspired human creativity from antiquity to the present.