It's Zoey's eighteenth birthmas, and the Nerd Herd has been scattered across the country busily adulting for almost a year when Stark calls them back to Tulsa to surprise Z. But all is not well in T-Town. Strange, dark signs are...
Paranormal fiction
- Author:Cast, Kristin, Cast, P. C.Summary:
- Author:Ward, J. R.Summary:
Qhuinn has finally found a mate able to give him an offspring and continue his bloodline--though his heart still belongs to another. Blay has likewise put his feelings for Qhuinn aside, but when the battle for the vampire throne...
- Author:Ward, J. R.Summary:
In a world where vampires are under siege and bloodlines matter more than ever, Rehv is a half symphath hunting for answers. The last person he expects to find is Wrath, the only remaining fullbred vampire on the planet, back with a...
- Author:Ward, J. R.Summary:
Abducted by Lash and trapped in his home by a spell, Xhex not only cannot escape--she cannot even telepathically contact Rehvenge. Meanwhile, John Matthew frantically attempts to locate his lover and bring her back to the safety of the...
- Author:Ward, J. R.Summary:
Tohrment will have the chance to regain everything he's lost--if he can overcome the bitterness roiling inside him.
- Author:Ward, J. R.Summary:
Freeing herself from her mother's prison, Payne--daughter of the Scribe Virgin and twin sister to the vampire Vishous--returns to this realm only to suffer a terrible injury. Now human doctor Manuel Manello must do all in his power to...
- Author:Van, NicholeSummary:
Florence, Italy. Summer, 1982. Judith Campbell prides herself on her level head. She's a scientist with a ten-year plan, a well-managed bank account, and a clear understanding of what she wants out of life. Currently, that means a...
- Author:Grimm, M. D.Summary:
Volumen 1 de la serie Los cambiantes El agente de control de animales Derek Williams ha estado sopesando la idea de pedirle una cita a Brian O’Donogue desde que el veterinario empezó a trabajar en el Refugio de Mascotas dos años atrás...
- Author:Henderson, JasonSummary:
Il fallut deux attaques de vampires au cours de ses trois premières journées dans son école privée pour qu’Alex Van Helsing prennent conscience qu’il y a plus dans son nom de la famille qu’il ne le pensait — et plus aussi dans cette...
- Author:Dennison, PoppySummary:
Les Triades, tome 1 Les espèces magiques ne se mélangent pas. D’après les règles, Simon Osborne devrait faire la sourde oreille aux appels au secours de ces enfants. Après tout, ce sont des louveteaux-garous, et lui est un apprenti...
- Author:Tyler, J. D.Summary:
À la suite d’une bavure survenue lors d’une mission, Aric Savage est fait prisonnier. Torturé au point de sombrer dans le désespoir, il fait cependant une découverte étonnante : son compagnon d’armes, Micah Chase, qui avait été présumé...
- Author:Higgins, WendySummary:
Anna Whitt, qui est la fille d’un ange gardien et d’un ange déchu, s’était promis qu’elle n’accomplirait jamais le travail de son père: polluer des âmes. Mais elle avait été bien naïve d’affirmer une telle chose. En fait, il y avait...
- Author:Snow, K. Z.Summary:
Sequel to Merman The Mongrel Trilogy, Book Three The closing-day flea market at the Marvelous Mechanical Circus always draws a colorful crowd, but salesman Will Marchman doesn’t expect to see a large, elaborate gold wagon on the plaza—...
- Author:Storrie, Paul D.Summary:
Tom Stone stepped into Seward High and into Maria McBride's life like a bolt of lightning. He's the perfect guy for Maria--nice, smart, and well-built. There's just one problem: his family. Tom's father is the town...
- Author:Dennison, PoppySummary:
Volumen 1 de la serie Tríada «Las especies mágicas no deben mezclarse jamás». De acuerdo a las normas, Simon Osborne debería ignorar los gritos de ayuda de los niños. Después de todo son cachorros de hombres-lobo, y él es aprendiz...
- Author:Hoffman, AliceSummary:
In an unforgettable novel that traces a centuries-old curse to its source, beloved author Alice Hoffman unveils the story of Maria Owens, accused of witchcraft in Salem, and matriarch of a line of the amazing Owens women and men...
- Author:Andrews, IlonaSummary:
Plagued by a war between magic and technology, Atlanta has never been so deadly. Good thing Kate Daniels is on the job. Kate Daniels may have quit the Order of Merciful Aid, but she's still knee-deep in paranormal problems. Or she would...
- Author:Carr, Martha, Anderle, MichaelSummary:
How can you tell what a spell will actually do? You can't when magic in Austin is on the fritz. No worries. The Hadstrom trio is going old school to fight the Gorafrex-old school magic, that is.Okay, how do you make a potion again?...
- Author:Singleton, Linda Joy.Summary:
A whisper, too soft to swirl wispy candle smoke, carried across time, beyond life and death-and was heard."Our bargain is sealed. My secrets will be yours-when the girl dies." In the thrilling climax to THE SEER series, Sabine...
- Author:Singleton, Linda JoySummary:
A whisper, too soft to swirl wispy candle smoke, carried across time, beyond life and death—and was heard. “Our bargain is sealed. My secrets will be yours—when the girl dies.” In the thrilling climax to THE SEER series, Sabine Rose’s...