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Science fiction

  • Author:
    Coldwell, Elizabeth

    English professor Dale Hoberman is out of his depth as a visiting professor at Oxford. His one comfortable social connection is with a man long dead. In his spare time, he takes on the task of analyzing the possessions of Martin Winthrop, a brilliant physicist who met with a tragic end.  When science and serendipity give Dale a chance to meet Martin, Dale is suddenly comfortable in his own skin, but is his happiness with Martin worth risking the powerful forces of time and physics, or is Martin’s tragic end destined to be? A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2012 Daily Dose package "Time Is Eternity."

  • Author:
    Stapledon, Olaf

    "Victor had refused his bride at the altar! That was the brute fact which agitated the little party in the vestry. No amount of explanation could mitigate it. As best man I had been in a good position to observe events; and even I, who had formerly been fairly intimate with Victor, was completely taken by surprise. True, I had long suspected that there was something queer about him; but up to the very moment of his quietly shattering remark, as he put the ring into his pocket, I had no idea that anything serious was amiss."

  • Author:
    Hamilton, Peter F.

    From New York Times bestselling author Peter F. Hamilton comes his first audio original, A Hole in the Sky, Book 1 in the Arkship Trilogy. Sixteen-year-old Hazel lives in the Daedalus, a starship that is flying in search of a new world. The ship has been traveling for five hundred years, searching for a world to settle in after having to abandon its last world. Everyone on board Daedalus lives a very simple existence in farming villages. The age of machines supplying their needs was lost during a mutiny five hundred years ago. The captain regained control of the ship after a huge struggle. Now, with finite resources, everything in the habitat is Cycled, including humans, who essentially are suicided at sixty-five so they don't deplete the biosphere's resources. Hazel encounters the Cheaters, people who refused to Cycle, who tell her the Daedalus has been damaged and its atmosphere is leaking away. When her brother has a paralyzing accident which condemns him to be Cycled since he can no longer be productive, Hazel runs off with him to join the Cheaters. While with the Cheaters, she discovers that much of what has been told to the people living on Daedalus for the last five hundred years is untrue, and soon, Hazel is in a thrilling race to help repair the ship and help the people of the Daedalus.

  • Author:
    Neuvel, Sylvain

    This program includes additional material read by Sylvain Neuvel, and a bonus conversation with narrators Jilly Bond and Imogen Wilde. Showing that truth is stranger than fiction, Sylvain Neuvel weaves a sci-fi thriller reminiscent of Blake Crouch and Andy Weir, blending a fast moving, darkly satirical look at 1940s rocketry with an exploration of the amorality of progress and the nature of violence in A History of What Comes Next. Always run, never fight. Preserve the knowledge. Survive at all costs. Take them to the stars. Over 99 identical generations, Mia's family has shaped human history to push them to the stars, making brutal, wrenching choices and sacrificing countless lives. Her turn comes at the dawn of the age of rocketry. Her mission: to lure Wernher Von Braun away from the Nazi party and into the American rocket program, and secure the future of the space race. But Mia's family is not the only group pushing the levers of history: an even more ruthless enemy lurks behind the scenes. A darkly satirical first contact thriller, as seen through the eyes of the women who make progress possible and the men who are determined to stop them... This program is read by: Jilly Bond, Imogen Wilde, Richard Trinder, Laila Pyne, Andrew Byron, Thomas Judd, Dugald Bruce Lockhart, and Kevin Shen, with additional material read by the author. A Macmillan Audio production from

  • Author:
    Pearson, Kit

    When Patricia's mother sends her to her cousins' cottage for the summer, Patricia doesn't want to go. She doesn't know her cousins at all, and she's never been good at camping or canoeing, let alone making new friends. When she arrives at the cottage, her worst fears come true: her cousin Kelly teases her; Aunt Ginnie and Uncle Doug feel sorry for her. She doesn't fit in. Then Patricia discovers an old watch hidden under a floorboard. When she winds it, she finds herself taken back in time to the summer when her own mother was twelve ...

  • Author:
    Locke, John

    When Rachel Case goes to the doctor for a routine blood test, scientists are astonished to learn she possesses a gene no one else on earth seems to have--a gene that holds the key to protecting the world from the deadliest pandemic in history. When government operatives kidnap Rachel in order to develop a vaccine, her lover, Donovan Creed, realizes the only way he can find Rachel is to enlist the help of her current husband, Sam.

  • Author:
    Schwab, Victoria

    Four months have passed since the shadow stone fell into Kell's possession. Four months since his path crossed with Delilah Bard. Four months since Rhy was wounded and the Dane twins fell, and the stone was cast with Holland's dying body through the rift, and into Black London. In many ways, things have almost returned to normal, though Rhy is more sober, and Kell is now plagued by his guilt. Restless, and having given up smuggling, Kell is visited by dreams of ominous magical events, waking only to think of Lila, who disappeared from the docks like she always meant to do. As Red London finalizes preparations for the Element Games--an extravagent international competition of magic, meant to entertain and keep healthy the ties between neighboring countries--a certain pirate ship draws closer, carrying old friends back into port. But while Red London is caught up in the pageantry and thrills of the Games, another London is coming back to life, and those who were thought to be forever gone have returned. After all, a shadow that was gone in the night reappears in the morning, and so it seems Black London has risen again--and so to keep magic's balance, another London must fall.

  • Author:
    Basilières, Michel

    An unusual and remarkable dystopian novel

    A Free Man is a satirical tall tale presented as the drug and alcohol fuelled conversation of two old friends getting reacquainted over one night. It’s also a boy-meets-girl story of the worst kind and a time travel story about a future where the world is ruled by robots and humans are vermin. When timelines cross, the world as we know it bends . . .

    Skid Roe is completely self-absorbed and delusional. His struggle to exercise free will is constantly hampered by the physical manifestation of his inner demons and by the norms and rules of contemporary life. He’s both aided and hindered by Lem, a robot from the future whose good intentions leave Skid on the run from a shadowy state security agency.

    A surreal, beautiful, and powerful literary mash-up, Basilières’ long-awaited sophomore effort is inventive and darkly funny.

  • Author:
    Tavares, Nathan

    Hayes Figueiredo is struggling to finish his documentary when handsome physicist Yusuf Hassan shows up, claiming Hayes is the key to understanding the Envisioner—a mysterious device that can predict the future. From a top-secret research facility run by the brilliant Dr. Kaori Nakamori, Hayes discovers he created the machine in a parallel universe—and he's married to Yusuf. But he doesn't recognize this other him, angry, aloof, and obsessive. Together, Hayes, Yusuf, and Kaori study the machine and all its secrets. When tragedy strikes, Hayes must do anything he can to save Yusuf's life. Because there are infinite realities, but only one Yusuf. With his heart, and the fate of the multiverse, in his hands, they tumble through a kaleidoscope of universes trying to save it all. But even escaping into infinity, Hayes is running out of space—soon he will have to decide how much he's willing to sacrifice to save the love of his life.

  • Author:
    Anderson, Kevin J.

    Early in the 25th century, humans ignited a fierce war with the hydrogues. Now the gas-giant planets, once a major source of fuel for Earth, are off limits, and the fearsome hydrogues scour the solar system, incinerating humans and the trees of the worldforest. As political unrest spreads throughout Earth's space colonies, a possible ally is discovered: an ancient race of water-based creatures.

  • Author:
    Fleischman, Paul

    Welcome to Cliffside High, the school of your nightmares. It's run by the Huns, a ruthless clique of rich students--and, as poor Charity Chase discovers, messing with them can be murder. There's Tiffany, avid reader of every beauty magazine available; Brooke, desperate for a date; Danielle, Al Capone in Miss America's body, with her sights set firmly on a millionaire's son Drew.

  • Author:
    Slonczewski, Joan

    The Sharers of Shora are a pacifist nation of women on a distant moon in the far future. Highly advanced in the sciences, they reproduce by parthenogenesis. Conflict erupts when a neighboring civilization sends an army to develop their world.

  • Author:
    Dashner, James

    From Duluth, Georgia, fourteen-year-old Jimmy Fincher sets off on a quest that takes him across the country and to other, sometimes terrifying, worlds, armed with a powerful gift and a mission: to prevent the evil Stompers from destroying Earth.

  • Author:
    Martine, Arkady

    A Desolation Called Peace is the spectacular space opera sequel to Arkady Martine's genre-reinventing, Hugo Award-winning debut, A Memory Called Empire. An alien armada lurks on the edges of Teixcalaanli space. No one can communicate with it, no one can destroy it, and Fleet Captain Nine Hibiscus is running out of options. In a desperate attempt at diplomacy with the mysterious invaders, the fleet captain has sent for a diplomatic envoy. Now Mahit Dzmare and Three Seagrass-still reeling from the recent upheaval in the Empire-face the impossible task of trying to communicate with a hostile entity. Their failure will guarantee millions of deaths in an endless war. Their success might prevent Teixcalaan's destruction-and allow the empire to continue its rapacious expansion. Or it might create something far stranger . . .

  • Author:
    Schwab, V. E.

    Kell is one of the last Travelers-magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel universes-as such, he can choose where he lands. There's Grey London, dirty and boring, without any magic, ruled by a mad King George. Then there's Red London, where life and magic are revered, and the Maresh Dynasty presides over a flourishing empire. There's White London, ruled by whoever has murdered their way to the throne. And once upon a time, there was Black London . . . but no one speaks of that now. Officially, Kell is the Red Traveler, personal ambassador and adopted Prince of Red London, carrying the monthly correspondences between the royals of each London. Unofficially, Kell is a smuggler, servicing people willing to pay for even the smallest glimpses of a world they'll never see-a dangerous hobby, and one that has set him up for accidental treason. Fleeing into Grey London, Kell runs afoul of Delilah Bard, a cutpurse with lofty aspirations. She first robs him, then saves him from a dangerous enemy, and then forces him to spirit her to another world for a proper adventure.

  • Author:
    Blackwell, Tammy

    She’s the daughter of an earl with a secret no one can know. He’s a mage who has sacrificed everything to save those he loves. They were born worlds apart, but inside a city drenched in magic, anything is possible. Unmarried at the age of six-and-twenty, Lady Elizabeth “Bits” Warner has become a burden to her family. Therefore, she isn’t surprised when they pack her on a train bound for Scotland and a fiancé she has never met. She’s not surprised, but she is terrified. In Corrigan, a walled-off city that serves as refuge to those capable of using the aether to cast spells and concoct potions, Ezra Nash is devoted to healing the sick and injured. Between his work as a surgeon and caring for his sisters, he doesn’t have time for distractions. When the train Bits is traveling on explodes, she finds herself inside the gates of Corrigan and under Ezra’s care. The two are drawn to one another, but it will take more than attraction to overcome the difference in their stations and the secrets they hide from the world.

  • Author:
    Mary Higgins Clark

    Divorced mother of two, Jenny McPartland marries artist Erich Krueger after a whirlwind courtship and at first settles happily in his Minnesota mansion. But a series of bizarre, terrifying incidents make her realise that she must unravel the truth about his past.

  • Author:
    Chambers, Becky

    Lovelace was once merely a ship's artificial intelligence. When she wakes up in a new body, following a total system shut-down and reboot, she has no memory of what came before. As Lovelace learns to negotiate the universe and discover who she is, she makes friends with Pepper, an excitable engineer, who's determined to help her learn and grow.

  • Author:
    Burgess, Anthony

    In this nightmare vision of a not-too-distant future, fifteen-year-old Alex and his three friends rob, rape, torture and murder - for fun. Alex is jailed for his vicious crimes and the State undertakes to reform him - but how and at what cost?

  • Author:
    Bujold, Lois McMaster

    Lord Miles Vorkosigan has a problem that all his new power can't solve: unrequited love for the beautiful Ekaterin. He has a cunning plan, but he will have to work around District succession scandals and the Emperor's wedding.


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