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All we want is everything : stories

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  • Running Time: 05:03 hrs
    Narrator: Andrew Ringer
    Camp Bowen Technologies, 2019
    Note: This book was recorded with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    All We Want is Everything, Andrew F. Sullivan's exceptional debut collection of short stories, finds the misused and forgotten, the places in between, the borderlands on the edge of town where dead fields alternate with empty warehouses--places where men and women clutch tightly at whatever fragments remain. Motels are packed with human cargo, while parole is just another state of being. Christmas dinners become battlegrounds; truck cabs and bathroom stalls transform into warped confessionals; and stories are told and retold, held out by people stumbling towards one another in the dark.

    Frightening, hilarious, filled with raging impotence and moments of embattled grace, All We Want is Everything is the advent of a tremendous new literary voice.

    • Good king
    • Crows eat well
    • Pumpkinheads
    • Magician rides again
    • In a car in a river outside Peoria, Illinois
    • Cloud
    • God is a place
    • Self-cleaning oven
    • Bird in the hand is worthless
    • Hatchetman
    • Lesser half of Sir John A. Macdonald
    • Wrestling with Jacob
    • Thaw
    • Towers
    • Mutations
    • Suction
    • Simcoe Furriers
    • Week football stopped
    • Satin lives!
    • Kingston road.
    Original Publisher: Winnipeg, Man., ARP Books (Arbeiter Ring Pub.)
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 1894037847, 9781894037846