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  • Author: Fallis, Terry

    On his first day at Turner King, David Stewart quickly realizes that the world of PR is a far cry from his previous job on Parliament Hill, and before he even has time to find the washroom, David is assigned a major project: devise a campaign to revitalize North America's interest in the space program. David finds himself suggesting the most out-of-this-world idea imaginable: a Citizen Astronaut lottery that would send one Canadian and one American to the International Space Station. Suddenly, David's vaulted into an odyssey of his own, navigating the corporate politics of a big PR agency; wading through the murky but always hilarious waters of Canada-U.S. relations; and trying to hold on to his new job while still doing the right thing. Winner of the 2013 Evergreen Award. 2012.

    Original Publisher: Terry Fallis, 2012, Toronto, CNIB
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780616688618