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Asha and Baz meet Mary Sherman Morgan

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  • Contributor: Patel, Dharmali

    Asha and Baz have a paper rocket to launch! Whoever builds the rocket that travels the farthest will get to meet astronaut Chris Hadfield. The only problem is Asha and Baz don't know how to power their rocket. Stuck and unsure, the kids brainstorm by drawing a rocket in the sand using a stick. Only this is a very unusual stick. In fact, it's a magic stick! And it transports them back in time to meet a person who might be able to help them with their rocket problem: scientist Mary Sherman Morgan!

    Original Publisher: Victoria, British Columbia : Common Deer Press, 2022, Toronto, Ontario, CELA
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781038454300, 1038454301
    Collection(s)/Series: TD Summer Reading Club 2024