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Publisher:Crane Library, 2015
- Author: Daniel, Stephen H.Date:Copyrighted2005Summary:
Contemporary Continental Thought gives one central reference that brings together topics from many sources. This collection of readings provides a sense of the variety and depth of the contemporary thinker's positions. It is accessible and timely, with excellent selections that address a variety of issues. This anthology on recent continental philosophy is unique because it brings together in one volume: 1) an overview of critical theory, structuralism, French feminism, deconstruction, poststructuralism, postcolonialism, and postmodernism; 2) brief introductions to (and representative and accessible selections by) twenty important figures along with their photographs; and 3) commentary on the more than the thirty included readings. This book is the only one of its kind on the market, and is interesting reading for anyone involved or interested in contemporary commentary and thought.
Genre:Subject(s): Philosophy, EuropeanOriginal Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J., Pearson/Prentice HallLanguage(s): English