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Giving an account of oneself

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  • Author: Butler, Judith

    "What does it mean to lead a moral life? In her first extended study of moral philosophy, Judith Butler offers a provocative outline for a new ethical practice -- one responsive to the need for critical autonomy and grounded in a new sense of the human subject. Butler takes as her starting point one's ability to answer the questions "What have I done?" and ´"What ought I to do?" She shows that these question can be answered only by asking a prior question, "Who is this, who is under an obligation to give an account of itself and to act in certain ways?" In three powerfully crafted and lucidly written chapters, Butler demonstrates how difficult it is to give an account of oneself, and how this lack of self-transparency and narratibility is crucial to an ethical understanding of the human.

    • An account of oneself
    • Scenes of address
    • Foucaultian subjects
    • Posthegelian queries
    • "Who are you?"
    • Against ethical violence
    • Limits of judgment
    • Psychoanalysis
    • Laplanche and Levinas : the I and the you responsibility
    • Laplanche and Levinas on the primacy of the other
    • Adorno on becoming human
    • Foucault's critical account of himself.
    Original Publisher: New York : Fordham University Press, 2005
    Language(s): English