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Hellhole : Hellhole trilogy, book 1

Available Formats:

  • Running Time: 19:08 hrs
    Narrator: Scott Brick
    Macmillan Audio, 2011
  • Accessibility:
    • Heading navigation
    Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library Service
    Running Time: 19:08 hrs
    Narrator: Scott Brick
    BC Libraries Cooperative, 2024
    Note: This book was produced with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Herbert, Brian
    Contributor: Brick, Scott
    Edition: Unabridged

    Only the most desperate colonists dare to make a new home on Hellhole. Reeling from a recent asteroid impact, tortured with horrific storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and churning volcanic eruptions, the planet is a dumping ground for undesirables, misfits, and charlatans...but also a haven for dreamers and independent pioneers. Against all odds, an exiled general named Adolphus has turned Hellhole into a place of real opportunity for the desperate colonists who call the planet their home. While the colonists are hard at work developing the planet, General Adolphus secretly builds alliances with the leaders of the other Deep Zone worlds, forming a clandestine coalition against the tyrannical, fossilized government responsible for their exile. What no one knows is this: the planet Hellhole, though damaged and volatile, hides an amazing secret. Deep beneath its surface lies the remnants of an obliterated alien civilization and the buried memories of its unrecorded past that, when unearthed, could tear the galaxy apart.

    Original Publisher: New York, Macmillan Audio
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781427218766