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Lumby's bounty : Lumby series, book 3

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  • Author: Fraser, Gail

    Tucked into the foothills of the Rockies lies the charming village of Lumby, where quirky but tolerant townsfolk usually make the best of any situation. Not a week goes by without some humorous mayhem occurring under the watchful eyes of the mayor, sheriff, and, of course, the town mascot, Hank, a pink flamingo who thinks he's a bald eagle...

    How Lumby has come to host a hot air balloon festival is a long story, but the town's residents are jumping right into preparations. But in the Lumby tradition, it won't all be blue skies and smooth sailing...

    Original Publisher: New York, New American Library
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780451222886
    Collection(s)/Series: Public Library InterLINK 2015