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Majag̱alee : the language of seasons

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  • Author: Davis, Shawna
    Contributor: Luggi, Toonasa Jordana

    This story is about the lands I was raised on. I come from the Gitksan and Nisga’a Nations, two neighbouring Nations that are tucked in the vast mountains of the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Our Adaawk, our oral history, brings us back to the time before the sun, making our relationship to the land, water, and all of the beings who live on it very strong. “Majagalee” is the Gitksan and Nisga’a word for “flower.” It is also an endearing term Gitksan calls their children. This story weaves childhood memories of being closely tied to the land and all of the beautiful things I have witnessed within our culture and traditions as I've grown to become a Mother. This story also focuses on the love that breathes in our communities as we continue to walk through the seasons, following in the footsteps of our Ancestors.

    Original Publisher: New Westminster, British Columbia, McKellar & Martin
    Language(s): English, Tsimshian
    ISBN: 9781990458002, 1990458009
    Collection(s)/Series: First Nation Communities Read 2023