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The Night Land

Available Formats:

  • Running Time: 18:02 hrs
    Narrator: Drew Ariana
    Dreamscape Media, LLC, 2013
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    In the far future, an unnamed narrator, who along with what remains of the human race dwells uneasily in an underground fortress-city surrounded by brooding, chaotic, relentless Watching Things, Silent Ones, Hounds, Giants, 'Ab-humans,' Brutes, and enormous slugs and spiders, follows a telepathic distress signal into the unfathomable darkness. The Earth's surface is frozen, and what's worse - at some point in the distant past, overreaching scientists breached 'the Barrier of Life' that separates our dimension from one populated by 'monstrosities and Forces' who have sought humankind's destruction ever since. Armed only with a lightsaber-esque weapon called a Diskos, and fortified only by his sense of Honor, our hero braves every sort of terror en route to rescue a woman he loves but has never met.

    Original Publisher: Holland, Ohio, Dreamscape Media, LLC
    Language(s): English