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Once the smudge is lit

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    Illustrated poetry collection. Once The Smudge Is Lit is a collection of poems written by Nbisiing authors Cole Forrest and Kelsey Borgford. The creative non-fiction collection highlights the experience of Indigeneity in post-colonial times through explorations of topics ranging from love to community . Once The Smudge Is Lit seeks to provide a multidimensional window into the experience of being a contemporary Nishnaabe. The illustration done by Tessa Pizzale emphasizes the phrase "all my relations" by highlighting the interconnectedness of each poem through the display of a trail of smudge smoke.

    Original Publisher: Neyaashiinigmiing, Ontario, Kegedonce Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781928120407, 1928120407
    Collection(s)/Series: First Nation Communities Read 2024