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Show me cool magic : a guide to creating and performing your own show

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  • Author: Banfield, Jake

    This book that takes the reader from knowing zero about magic to being able to do a whole show for their family and friends. Along the way they will learn some cool tricks to show their friends in school, find out how to do a PR stunt, film their own tricks, develop their unique magician persona, and all the other secrets to making magic amazing. The reader will be offered an array of trick options, from openers to finales, from which to build their own tailored show, depending on their favourite style of magic and stage of learning.

    Subject(s): Magic | Magic tricks | Magicians
    Original Publisher: Beverly, words & pictures, Beverly, words & pictures
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780711242500
    Collection(s)/Series: BC Summer Reading Club 2024