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Publisher:Dundurn Press, 2006Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
- Author: Ferguson, Julie H.Date:Created2006Summary:
For the first time, Sing a New Song tells the stories of four Canadian bishops who pushed the envelope and changed the world. All have faced severe opposition; one was involved in the only Anglican schism in Canadian history; two jeopardized their careers; and one was voted the sixth most important person of the twentieth century whose world view has transformed the wider society. Over the last 150 years, George Hills, David Somerville, Douglas Hambidge, and Michael Ingham adopted unpopular causes with their eyes wide open. They were the men who fought for and won rights for aboriginals, women, and gays and lesbians. In finely drawn and thoroughly researched biographies, Julie H. Ferguson weaves the bishops’ impact on society into Canada’s history while delivering compelling insights into their personal and spiritual lives. Meet this quartet of sharply contrasting and fearless bishops in Sing a New Song.
Original Publisher: Toronto, DundurnLanguage(s): English