Hot on the heels of the release of the Scotiabank Giller Prize Prize finalists, we’re excited about a whole new round of outstanding Canadian literature: this morning, the Canada Council for the Arts announced their nominees for the Governor General’s Literary Awards. What a list! So much to read! Isn’t it wonderful?
There are 70 nominees here: we are going to produce as many as we can in accessible formats (e-text & audio) before the winners are announced on October 28. After October 28th, we’ll make sure we get all the winning books out for readers as quickly as possible.
Keep an eye out for the books as they come out in accessible formats: we’ll be posting them here, to this news article, adding them to our Governor’s General Literary Awards 2015 Collection, and posting them to both Twitter (look for the tags #GGBooks and #newtitles) and to Facebook. If you have any questions, you can always call or write to us.
Readers from across the country might also be interested in the Canada Council’s contest, in which three people win will an iPad and the 2015 GG Books collection. To enter this contest, take a picture of yourself with any GG winner from the past, post it to your Twitter or Facebook account (direct it @canadacouncil – and us, if you want to make us smile, too: @NNELSca), and use the hashtags #GGBooks and #MyCanLit in your post. For official information visit their Contest page. The first draw of three will be on October 13th. In case you’re not sure where to start, the Canada Council is providing you with a full list of English-language GG Books winners since 1936 in PDF format.
Lastly, we’d like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts for working with us, and for doing so much, over many decades, to sustain our friendly, politely beating (and sometimes aflutter), Canadian hearts.
Ready? Set. Here we go!