June Hur, bestselling author of The Red Palace , crafts a devastating and pulse-pounding tale that will feel all-too-relevant in today's world, based on a true story from Korean history. Hope is dangerous. Love is deadly. 1506, Joseon....
Governor General's Literary Awards 2024
Congratulations to the 2024 Governor General’s Literary Award Nominees! It has been a pleasure to work with the Canada Council for the Arts to bring you the 2024 nominees in accessible formats. As they have in previous years, the Council granted us early access to the nominees' list, which made it possible for us to have them here for you today. The full list of nominees, and further information about the GG's and Canada Council for the Arts, can be found on the Governor General's Literary Awards website.
More titles will be added to this collection over the coming month, so feel free to check back to see what has been included. While we cannot always produce every longlisted title, if our collections do not contain a book you would like to read, or your preferred format is not available, we encourage you to send us a request! To access our request form, log into your NNELS account and search for the book you want. If we do not currently have the book in our libraries, there will be a link to the Title Request Form above the filters on any page of search results.
For more great Canadian reading, check out some of the previous years' winners and nominees of the Governor General's Literary Awards!
- Author:Hur, JuneSummary:
- Author:Knott, HelenSummary:
#1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER. When matriarchs begin to disappear, there is a choice to either step into the places they left behind, or to craft a new space. Helen Knott's debut memoir, In My Own Moccasins, wowed reviewers, award juries, and...
- Author:Dufour-Labbé, Marc-AndréSummary:
Carreauté Kid détonne avec les autres élèves de secondaire quatre : élevé par son père, il est fan de musique grunge, dont il incarne l'esprit jusque dans son style vestimentaire. Solitaire et introverti, il est secrètement...
- Author:Johnson, HaroldSummary:
Charlie Muskrat part chasser l'orignal. Bien décidé à ne pas revenir bredouille, il se retrouve à Prince Albert au volant de son fidèle pick-up, Tonnerre, avec une carabine Winchester sous le siège du passager, un réservoir d'...
- Author:Noël Rousseau, Mélodie, Labelle, GenevièveSummary:
Aux gens queers et bruyants. Aux lesbiennes romantiques et/ou radicales. Aux pansexuel·les extatiques, aux asexuel·les accompli·es. Aux abonné·es qui savent pas trop ce qu'ils sont venues voir, mais qui sont ben willing. Aux gais...
- Author:Lubrin, CanisiaSummary:
Eagerly awaited debut fiction from one of Canada's most exciting and admired young writers. A daring and inventive reimagining of the infamous set of laws, the "Code Noir," that once governed Black lives. Canisia Lubrin's debut fiction...
- Author:Polley, SarahSummary:
Alors qu'elle souffre depuis plusieurs années des séquelles d'une commotion cérébrale, Sarah Polley rencontre un médecin spécialiste qui lui recommande, pour guérir, de pratiquer les activités mêmes qui déclenchent ses...
- Author:Anne, Li CharmaineSummary:
This YA debut is a searing ode to queer identity, growing up in an immigrant community, and carving a place for yourself in the world with the help of your friends. Jay Wong is spending the last languid days of summer 2010 trying to...
- Author:Ramadan, DannySummary:
A queer Syrian refugee reckons with a life spent out of place. "Writing this memoir is a betrayal." So begins this electrifying personal account from Danny Ramadan, a celebrated novelist who has long enjoyed the shield his fiction...
- Author:Rolland, MathieuSummary:
Sophie, Benoît, Tom. La mère, le père, le fils. Ce deuxième roman de Mathieu Rolland nous présente un portrait de famille. Comme dans un tableau de Jean Paul Lemieux, chaque figure s'y détache, nimbée de silence, contre une ligne...
- Author:Forget, Jean-GuySummary:
Lorsque son cousin décède de façon tragique, le narrateur est incapable de pleurer. Le jour des funérailles, le jeune garçon, submergé d'émotions qu'il ne comprend pas, repousse le plus longtemps possible le moment des adieux....
- Author:Smith, SydneySummary:
From the creator of Small in the City and the illustrator of Town Is by the Sea and Sidewalk Flowers, comes a moving look at how memories are made. Tucked in bed at a new apartment, a boy and his mother trade memories. Some are idyllic...
- Author:Abel, JordanSummary:
Jordan Abel's extraordinary new book and debut work of fiction, Empty Spaces, grows out of his groundbreaking visual expression in NISHGA. That book integrated descriptions of the landscape from James Fenimore Cooper's settler classic...
- Author:Bacon, Moira-UashteskunSummary:
Après le départ de sa sœur Nissi, Mikun n'a plus de repères. Tout lui semble hostile : la grande ville, la vie à l'école et celle à la maison. La jeune fille de quinze ans en vient rapidement à croire qu'en étant moins...
- Author:Merola, CarolineSummary:
Un jour, une illustratrice rencontre les élèves d'une petite école pour leur parler de son métier. Quelle surprise de constater qu'il leur est tous arrivé des choses incroyables! Ronny raconte qu'il a un hamster géant comme animal...
- Author:Dubé-Moreau, Florence-AgatheSummary:
De plus en plus de femmes sont visibles dans le sport professionnel masculin. De spectatrices, cheerleaders ou conjointes d'athlètes, elles atteignent désormais les rangs de coachs, d'arbitres et même de directrices d'équipe. Est-ce...
- Author:Jones, ScottSummary:
In October 2013, Scott Jones was leaving a bar in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, when he was attacked, stabbed in the back, and left paralyzed from the waist down. In the months following his attack, Scott Jones's story garnered...
- Author:Daniel, DanielleSummary:
A touching, playful exploration of empathy and interdependency from an acclaimed author and illustrator. I'm afraid, said the leaf. / You're not alone, said the tree. But who will comfort a nervous bird, a lonely crab, a lost wolf? How...
- Author:Dimaline, CherieSummary:
Mary Lennox didn't think about death until the day it knocked politely on her bedroom door and invited itself in. When a terrible accident leaves her orphaned at fifteen, she is sent to the wilderness of the Georgian Bay to live with an...
- Author:Turcotte, PriscillaSummary:
Anabelle vient de fêter son seizième anniversaire. Ses parents lui proposent des vacances chez une grand-tante éloignée, Gaïa, qu'elle n'a jamais vue, et qui habite la ville de Lestéria de Walley, où plusieurs disparitions surviennent....