Anne, a young orphan from the fictional community of Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia (based upon the real community of New London), is sent to Prince Edward Island after a childhood spent in strangers' homes and orphanages. Marilla and Matthew...
Prince Edward Island Collection
- Author:Montgomery, L. M.Summary:
- Author:Robinson, OliviaSummary:
Ingrid and Norah have an unconventional upbringing -- growing up in a motel, raised by their mother and her partner. The girls' grandmother, Ada, who owns the Blue Moth, has always kept them at a distance. But when she buys a piano for...
- Author:Esrock, RobinSummary:
On his personal quest to check off the best of his home country, travel writer and host Robin Esrock catalogues must-sees, including nature, food, culture, history, adrenaline rushes, and quirky Canadiana. After spending years crafting...