A boy grows up to bring positive change to his village in India. This story is true, and it started with a boy named Sundar. After the deaths of his mother, and later his daughter, Sundar Paliwal knows what he has to do. He is...
TD Summer Reading Club 2023
These collections of summer reading club titles are an excellent source of reading material for young readers.
- Author:Singh, RinaSummary:
- Author:Péladeau, ÉricSummary:
Oups! On dirait que quelqu'un a oublié de tirer la chasse d'eau. Un caca abandonné flotte dans la cuvette. Quand papa demande à Rose si cette crotte est la sienne, la fillette nie vigoureusement. Pourrait-il s'agir d'un caca magique...
- Author:Carvalho, BeatrizSummary:
Anelis n'a pas toujours vécu à Montréal. Avant, elle vivait dans un pays chaud où la mer faisait partie de sa vie. Son ancien pays lui manque, Anelis a souvent de la peine. Pour se remonter le moral, elle fait remonter à la surface...
- Author:Sylvester, KevinSummary:
Secret ballrooms, hidden artwork and unlikely friends--welcome to the Regency, where even time moves in surprising ways! Jake Simmons hates his new home. The Regency is nothing more than floor after floor of peeling wallpaper and faded...
- Author:Alrawi, KarimSummary:
Arab Fairy Tale Feasts is the latest title in the highly-praised Fairy Tale Feasts Collection, a creative series that folds enchanting folk tales into cookbooks of kid-friendly recipes. Award-winning writer and storyteller, Karim Alrawi...
- Author:Bailey, LindaSummary:
The adventures of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the legendary Sherlock Holmes, come to life in this inspiring picture book biography. What if you wrote a story about a detective, and he became the most famous detective ever? Wouldn...
- Author:Hill, LawrenceSummary:
One of Canada's most celebrated author's debut novel for young readers. Beatrice, a young girl of uncertain age, wakes up all alone in a tree house in the forest. How did she arrive in this cozy dwelling, stocked carefully with...
- Author:Kadarusman, MichelleSummary:
Perspectives of two Indonesian middle-schoolers and a caged orangutan entwine. Wealthy Malia faces the consequences of disobediently circulating an anti-palm-oil petition at her school, resulting in suspensions for herself, her best...
- Author:Keating, JessSummary:
A collection of interesting facts about some of the biggest animals on the planet.
- Author:Fagan, CarySummary:
Annabelle discovers an animal bone in the woods and decides to make it her new plaything. But nature ends up moving Annabelle in mysterious ways. At first, Boney, as Annabelle names him, makes the perfect companion. While Mom is busy...
- Author:Spires, AshleySummary:
Some bugs have super-power like abilities. And then there's Burt the beetle. He's not strong and he can't run fast. He doesn't even bite. He's more of a hugger, really. But Burt wants more. He wants a SUPERPOWER. There's just one tiny...
- Author:Schoenborn, MélinaSummary:
Un spécialiste des écureuils, lui-même écureuil, entreprend de transmettre avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme différentes informations sur son espèce lorsqu'un impertinent dinosaure fait irruption dans les pages du livre. Les écureuils...
- Author:KarensacSummary:
Après un long voyage à travers le monde pour tenter de sauver sa soeur Hazel, qu'elle a transformé par erreur en chèvre, l'apprentie sorcière Cendre a fini par rentrer au village... pour constater que son sort avait en réalité...
- Author:Dufresne, RhéaSummary:
La nuit comme le jour, le ciel est rempli de surprises à découvrir. Même à l'œil nu, tu peux repérer des constellations impressionnantes, des planètes et des étoiles filantes. La lune et le soleil sont toujours au rendez-vous,...
- Author:Cochrane, ÉdithSummary:
Chez moi, dans ma maison, dans un coin du salon, il y a un fauteuil. Un vieux fauteuil vert. Ma mère dit qu'il est olive. Moi, je dis qu'il est mou. J'adore ce fauteuil... mais surtout ce qui se cache derrière !
- Author:Gentile, LeslieSummary:
It's the summer of 1978 and most people think Elvis Presley has been dead for a year. But eleven-year-old Truly knows Elvis is alive and well and living in her trailer park. It's a busy summer. Though Truly's mother is constantly...
- Author:Mills, AllisonSummary:
Shelly et sa grand-mère attrapent des fantômes. Dans leurs cheveux. Comme toutes les femmes de leur famille, elles peuvent voir des âmes qui n'ont pas encore fait la transition et c'est leur travail de les aider tout au long de leur...
- Author:Tan, ShaunSummary:
Eric is a foreign exchange student who comes to live with a typical suburban family. Although everyone is delighted with the arrangement, cultural misunderstandings ensue, beginning with Eric's insistence on sleeping in a pantry...
- Author:Eamer, ClaireSummary:
Ripley's Believe It or Not meets National Geographic in this book about some of the grossest yet most fascinating ways animals have adapted to survive. Survival of the Grossest explores how some of the most effective -- and often truly...
- Author:Sutherland, SuzanneSummary:
It's everyone's favorite day of winter semester: the class field trip to the museum! Jordan is excited to see the mummies and Max can't wait for his first trip to the big city without his big sisters watching over him. But when Jordan...