The story of a young six-year-old boy, Quy, separated from his family as they are fleeing Vietnam to begin a new life in Canada. Twenty years later his mother still lives in hope of finding him....
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Author: Brand, DionneSummary:Genre: Canadian fiction, Thrillers (Fiction)
Author: Brand, DionneSummary:
Author: Brand, DionneSummary:
Le travail de Dionne Brand a toujours été « un creuset de lyrisme incantatoire et de cinglante critique sociale » (Barbara Carey). En effet, couvrant à la fois l’intime et le collectif, Ossuaires...
Author: Brand, DionneSummary:
A startlingly original work about the act of writing itself from Griffin Poetry Prize--winner Dionne Brand. An essential observer of our time and one of the most accomplished poets writing today,...
Genre: Canadian poetry -
Author: Brand, DionneSummary:
Internationally acclaimed poet and novelist Dionne Brand reflects on her early reading of colonial literature and how it makes Black being inanimate. She explores her encounters with colonial,...
Genre: Literary arts, Canadian nonfiction