Told through two haunting, interwoven diaries, this novel reveals the mysterious world of Kulumani, a village in Mozambique whose traditions and beliefs are threatened when ghost-like lionesses...
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Author: Couto, MiaSummary:Genre: Diary fiction
Author: Couto, MiaSummary:
Mwanito was eleven when he saw a woman for the first time, and the sight so surprised him he burst into tears. Mwanito has been living in a former big-game park for eight years. The only people he...
Genre: Domestic fiction -
Author: Couto, MiaSummary:
What would Obama's 2004 campaign have looked like if it unfolded in an African nation? What does it mean to be an African writer today? How do writers and poets from all continents teach us to...
Genre: Essays, Social science