In these 13 carefully crafted short stories, Wayne Curtis explores the theme of homecoming, literally, spiritually, and metaphorically, and the many interpretations of the word “home.” The varied...
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Author: Curtis, WayneSummary:Genre: Short stories, Canadian fiction
Author: Curtis, WayneSummary:
There is a dreamlike quality to many of the stories in this new collection from Wayne Curtis. In Wild Apples, he returns to familiar themes of love and longing, and the push-pull emotions which...
Genre: Short stories, Canadian fiction -
Author: Curtis, WayneSummary:
“One could do worse than to grow up on a river.” In his new collection of essays, Wayne Curtis voyages back through the tributaries of his past, throwing a pastoral net over the backwaters of his...
Author: Curtis, WayneSummary:
And a Bottle of Rum tells the raucously entertaining story of America as seen through the bottom of a drinking glass. With a chapter for each of ten cocktails, Wayne Curtis reveals that the homely...
Genre: History and geography, Food and drink -
Author: Curtis, WayneSummary:
The timeless story of an always-moving river. From the first sentence, "I come from a long line of river people," to the last, "Bad luck to kill a moose bird," Wayne Curtis...