Conmen, tricksters, charlatans, impostors, and down right liars seeking wealth, 15 minutes of fame, or the alleviation of blam rely upon the maxim that "there's a sucker born every minute." A...
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Author: Farquhar, MichaelSummary:Genre: Humour
Author: Farquhar, MichaelSummary:
Michael Farquhar ransacked the archives to rescue 30 almost-famous Americans from the dust bin of obscurity. These colorful figures range from Mayflower Murderer John Billington (1624) to Dick...
Author: Farquhar, MichaelSummary:
From the unhappy family relationships of prominent Americans to the feuds, smear campaigns, duels, and infamous sex scandals that have punctuated our history, we see our founding fathers and other...