This nine-month non-fiction account of pregnancy, from the husband’s perspective, details how the protagonist learned to let go of control in the quest for the perfect pregnancy. All accounts were documented as they happened, long...
- Author:Vavasour, JamesSummary:
- Author:Green, BobSummary:
Eavesdroppings recounts life in the small towns of Ontario before sin arrived on the Internet—a time when churches were never locked and parents, not wishing to be disturbed while they listened to the radio, shooed their children out to...
- Author:Richardson, BillSummary:
At the heart of Richardson's CBC Radio show is a variety of domestic tales that listeners relate through letters and phone calls. Their stories are sometimes comic and sometimes achingly sad. This is a collection of 163 of the most...
- Author:Lewicky, DannySummary:
Sometimes it takes a unique perspective to see how stupid life can be. With 1001 observations on the ridiculousness of the Internet, social norms, relationships and more, Danny Lewicki calls out all the stupid we take for granted.
- Author:Rueter, TedSummary:
"Am I different? Yeah. Deep down, you know you want to wear wider bottoms; you're just not secure enough. . . . Do I do my hair with a weed whacker? I admit it." —Rep. James Traficant (D-Ohio, 1985-2002) Supposedly some of our brightest...
- Author:Planelles, GeorgesSummary:
Dans 500 expressions populaires sous la loupe, Georges Planelles invite les amoureux de la langue française à découvrir les origines passionnantes (et souvent cocasses !) de ces petits trésors qui colorent nos conversations. Il appuie...
- Author:Nardizzi, PaulSummary:
Don't you hate it when you tell some ignoramus you're from a certain city and they say, "Oh, do you know my friend Henry?" Or, lousy gift givers who say, "I kept the receipt, if you want to return it," so instead of a gift you end up...
- Author:Hitchins, ShawnSummary:
Musings from a "one-man flash mob" (Toronto Star) Comedian Shawn Hitchins explores his irreverent nature in this debut collection of essays. Hitchins doesn't shy away from his failures or celebrate his mild successes-he...
- Author:Sedaris, DavidSummary:
There's no right way to keep a diary, but if there's an entertaining way, David Sedaris seems to have mastered it. If it's navel-gazing you're after, you've come to the wrong place; ditto treacly self-...
- Author:Brown, MicheleSummary:
What's the sexiest thing you can do, by yourself or with a partner, that's guaranteed to titillate your senses, stimulate your mind and release tension? Why, read A Collection of Sexy Quotes, of course! A Collection of Sexy Quotes...
- Author:Foreman, GabeSummary:
People who rely on stereotypes are often vilified. But really, is there a better way to classify people? There are some taxonimical difficulties, though. Exactly how many types of people are there? What behaviours are characteristic of...
- Author:Tapper, Albert, Press, PeterSummary:
With universal appeal, these jokes are always great ice-breakers and sure to bring on fits of laughter. Filled with some old ones, some new ones and even some blue ones, A Guy Goes into a Bar . . . contains the best of the best jokes on...
- Author:Baker, Scott, Philbin, TomSummary:
In the tradition of Leland Gregory's bestselling Stupid collections, retired N.Y.P.D. officer Scott Baker and author Tom Philbin present A Lighter Shade of Blue. With authentic tales of life behind the badge, A Lighter Shade of Blue...
- Author:Farquhar, MichaelSummary:
Conmen, tricksters, charlatans, impostors, and down right liars seeking wealth, 15 minutes of fame, or the alleviation of blam rely upon the maxim that "there's a sucker born every minute." A tribe of Stone Age people is discovered in...
- Author:Abbott, Bud, Costello, LouSummary:
Costello is going to play baseball with the New York Yankees. This leads to the famous, Who's On First routine.
- Author:Foxx, JamieSummary:
From Academy Award-winning actor, comedian, and musician Jamie Foxx, a candid and funny look at the joys and pitfalls of being the father of two daughters with very different personalities. Jamie Foxx is not only one of the country's...
- Author:Traig, JenniferSummary:
Why do we read our kids fairy tales about homicidal stepparents? How did helicopter parenting develop if it used to be socially acceptable to abandon your children? Moving from ancient Rome to the Dr. Spock craze of mid-century America...
- Author:Moss, Laura J.Summary:
Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about cats comes the ultimate-and unexpected-guide to taking your cat into the wild. Here are cats walking on a leash. Cats hiking on a leash. Cats tramping through snow. Cats camping...
- Author:Twain, Mark, Shukeylo, AnnaSummary:
In perhaps the most satirical children’s book of all time, Mark Twain dishes out outrageous, witty, and practical advice for girls with ease. Twain advises restraint for small offences, explains how to use coercion instead of brute...
- Author:Viorst, JudithSummary:
Viorst relates her experience with having her youngest son and his family live with her.