Ted Rueter panders to Democratic party lines by collecting 370 oratorical guffaws credited to popular politicians. Categorized in alphabetical order and presented by subject topic, the quips...
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Author: Rueter, TedSummary:
Author: Rueter, TedSummary:
"Am I different? Yeah. Deep down, you know you want to wear wider bottoms; you're just not secure enough. . . . Do I do my hair with a weed whacker? I admit it." —Rep. James...
Author: Rueter, TedSummary:
Ted Rueter panders to Republican party lines by collecting 370 oratorical guffaws credited to popular politicians. Categorized in alphabetical order and presented by subject topic, the quips...
Author: Rueter, TedSummary:
"Am I different? Yeah. Deep down, you know you want to wear wider bottoms; you're just not secure enough. . . . Do I do my hair with a weed whacker? I admit it." —Rep. James Traficant (D-Ohio,...
Genre: Humour, Political science