In his own words, Ulysses Grant leads us from his early years to that day of decision in 1865.
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Author: Grant, Ulysses S.Summary:
Author: Grant, Ulysses S.Summary:
In his own words, Ulysses Grant leads us from his early years to that day of decision in 1865.
Author: Grant, Ulysses S.Summary:
In his own words, Ulysses Grant leads us from his early years to that day of decision in 1865.
Author: Emerson, Ralph WaldoSummary:
Making a strong case for the importance of the individual--a core tenet of the transcendental movement--Emerson assails conformity with a series of sharp observations.
Genre: Essays, Self-help publications -
Author: Pintoff, StefanieSummary:
The careers of New York City detective Simon Ziele and his former partner Captain Declan Mulvaney went in remarkably different directions after the tragic death of Ziele's fiancee in the 1904...