Academic writing
- Author:Alexander, Jeffrey W.Summary:
- Author:Rocco, Tonette S.Summary:
There is a need for a resource that focuses on writing for publication that discusses the components of a manuscript, types of manuscripts, and the submission process. This groundbreaking book fills that need and includes information on...
- Author:Lynn, StevenSummary:
- Author:Dixon, JoySummary:
- Author:Ouellet, Éric, Pahlavi, Pierre, Chapnick, Adam, Stone, CraigSummary:
Le Manuel de rédaction à l'usage des militaires est un guide de rédaction qui s'adresse aux membres des forces armées appelés à rédiger des textes de qualité dans un style soutenu pour un lectorat militaire averti. Au-delà de...
- Author:Marshall, SteveSummary:
- Author:Chapnick, Adam, Stone, CraigSummary:
Academic Writing for Military Personnel is written for members of the military who are either new to or re-entering the academic community and who need to familiarize themselves with academic writing. The authors, an experienced writing...
- Author:Summary:
Janet Giltrow's Academic Writing: Writing and Reading in the Disciplines has been widely acclaimed in all its editions as a superb textbook--and an important contribution to the pedagogy of introducing university and college students to...
- Author:Giltrow, JanetSummary:
This reader has been designed to accompany Giltrow’s Academic Writing, one of the key principles of which is that there is a close connection between the processes of reading and of writing academic prose. Each reading is preceded by...