L'adolescence... un mot qui fait frémir d'inquiétude bien des parents ! Bien que la majorité des parents et des jeunes traversent cette étape sans grande difficulté il demeure qu'être parent d'un adolescent suscite des émotions souvent...
Adolescent Psychology
- Author:Boisvert, CélineSummary:
- Author:Scowen, KateSummary:
A guide to depression and its treatment for kids 13 and up with topics such as mood vs. mood disorders, bipolar disorder, anxiety, self-mutilation, etc. Includes quotes from teen sufferers and an afterword by a youth psychiatrist.
- Author:Cottle, Thomas J.Summary:
In "Mind Fields," Thomas J. Cottle argues that the period known as adolescence is essentially a social construct influenced greatly by popular culture. To understand young people, therefore, is to recognize how the very consciousness of...
- Author:Duclos, Germain, Laporte, Danielle, Ross, JacquesSummary:
Offert dans une toute nouvelle présentation, le présent ouvrage présente de façon concrète et très accessible les principales notions concernant l'estime de soi. Grâce aux nombreux questionnaires et exercices que le livre contient, les...
- Author:Siebert, MelanieSummary:
Featuring real-life stories of people who have found hope and meaning in the midst of life's struggles, Heads Up: Changing Minds on Mental Health is the go-to guide for teenagers who want to know about mental health, mental illness,...
- Author:Santrock, John W.Summary: