As a teenager visiting the Andy Warhol Museum, Beth Pickens realized the importance of making art. As an adult, she has worked as a consultant empowering artists. In this intimate yet practical book, Pickens helps artists build a...
- Author:Pickens, BethSummary:
- Author:Currey, MasonSummary:
Une routine de travail réglée au quart de tour, des habitudes quotidiennes parfois étonnantes. Woody Allen prend de longues douches, Freud fumait 20 cigares par jour, Picasso peignait entouré de son chien, de ses siamois et de sa guenon...
- Author:Currey, MasonSummary:
More of Mason Currey's irresistible Daily Rituals, this time exploring the daily obstacles and rituals of women who are artists-painters, composers, sculptors, scientists, filmmakers, and performers. We see how these brilliant...
- Author:Vandendorpe, MagdaSummary:
«Par mon expérience, et à l’aide d’exemples d’autres artistes et créateurs complexés d’infériorité, je démontrerai comment l’individu qui se juge, se compare et s’isole – en se cachant derrière un personnage fictif et en ne se montrant...
- Author:Bayles, DavidSummary:
What is your art really about? Where is it going? What stands in the way of getting it there?These are questions that matter, questions that recur at each stage of artistic development-and they are the source for this volume of...