Spanning the late 1970s to the late 1980s, Nadia Bozak’s thirteen stories are narrated from the perspective of Shell, the only child of bohemian artisans determined to live off their handicrafts and uphold a left-wing lifestyle. At the...
- Author:Bozak, NadiaSummary:
- Author:Delany, Samuel R.Summary:
- Author:Christy, JimSummary:
Real Gone turns the myth of the Sixties on its head. The protagonist may be a peripatetic young man on an intense search but he knows that the gaff is in. There are sex and drugs, of course, and politics, even a little rock and roll....
- Author:Frédéric ParrotSummary:
Québec, 20XX. L'Amérique est en déroute, rongée par une famine qui sévit depuis dix ans. Baraque, l'errant, le bohème, tente de survivre grâce à l'écriture. Dans des cahiers, il consigne des lettres et des contes...
- Author:Shopsin, TamaraSummary:
"Arbitrary Stupid Goal is a completely riveting world-when I looked up from its pages regular life seemed boring and safe and modern like one big iPhone. This book captures not just a lost New York but a whole lost way of life....