Hannah, once a renowned journalist, suffers from a traumatic brain injury. At her sister’s in Canada, she befriends Hila, an Afghan woman also traumatized by war. When Hila disappears, enemies threaten Hannah and her young niece, Lily...
Brain damage--Patients--Rehabilitation
- Author:Delany, VickiSummary:
- Author:Delany, VickiSummary:
Once, Hannah Manning was an internationally-renowned journalist and war correspondent. Today, she’s a woman suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Unable to read, unable to concentrate, full of pain, lost and confused, haunted by her...
- Author:Gean, Alisa D., Woodruff, BobSummary:
Brain Injury: Applications from War and Terrorism is a single-authored book written by a world-class neuroradiologist with extensive experience in traumatic brain injury (TBI). It features six graphic-intense chapters depicting and...