The Bronze Age is brought vividly to life in this action-packed historical saga in the tradition of Conn Iggulden, Bernard Cornwell, and Jean Auel The beginning of civilization is fraught with war, invasion, plunder, and rapine. The...
Bronze age
- Author:Barone, SamSummary:
- Author:Orr, WendySummary:
In Bronze-Age Crete, before horses were common on the island, potter's-daughter Clio continues to raise and train them even though an accident has left her unable to ride. After a series of difficult years in the community, the...
- Author:Cline, Eric H.Summary:
In 1177 B.C., marauding groups known only as the "Sea Peoples" invaded Egypt. The pharaoh's army and navy managed to defeat them, but the victory so weakened Egypt that it soon slid into decline, as did most of the...