Lionel Walk, etter known as Train, is a young black caddy at an elite Los Angeles golf course. There, he navigates between the careless hostility of patrons and the volatile brutality of the other caddies. One day, he finds an...
- Author:Dexter, PeteSummary:
- Author:Bailey, TessaSummary:
#1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey launches a super sexy sports romance series with a rom-com about a bad boy professional athlete who falls for his biggest fan... Wells Whitaker was once golf's hottest rising star, but...
- Author:Bailey, TessaSummary:
#1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey launches a super sexy sports romance series with a rom-com about a bad boy professional athlete who falls for his biggest fan... Wells Whitaker was once golf's hottest rising star, but...