This enhanced e-book, in celebration of Groundwood's 35th anniversary, includes a read-aloud feature of the story narrated by Ian Wallace. Renowned children's book illustrator Ian Wallace brings his masterful ability to paint landscape...
- Author:Wallace, Ian.Summary:
- Author:Howard, VickySummary:
"Howard's snowmen, Victorian-styled gardens and holiday scenes appear on some of the nation's bestselling giftwraps, paper products, throws, and clothing." — The Kansas City Star
Artist Vicky Howard creates such lovable snowmen,...
- Author:Chiaverini, JenniferSummary:
In 1860, the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow family celebrated Christmas at Craigie House, their home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The publication of Longfellow's classic Revolutionary War poem, "Paul Revere's Ride," was less than a month...
- Author:Battery RadioSummary:
A centuries-old caroling tradition takes place during Christmas and New Year's in a small Newfoundland outport. The carols and their tunes have been handed down through the ages in the community's oral tradition, and there is no written...