This book has everything parents need to give their babies the best start. Each year, more than four million babies are born in the United States. The first year of a baby's life is a joyous, challenging and sometimes overwhelming time...
Child rearing
- Author:Gaylord, James, Hagen, MichelleSummary:
- Author:Sax, LeonardSummary:
Are boys and girls really that different' Twenty years ago, doctors and researchers didn't think so. However, an avalanche of research has shown that sex differences are more significant than anybody guessed. Gender...
- Author:Behr, GreggSummary:
Playful and practical, When You Wonder, You're Learning introduces a new generation of families to the lessons of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. By exploring the science behind the iconic television program, the book reveals...
- Author:Letourneau, NicoleSummary:
Research has shown that adaptive, supportive parents are the best at insulating their children from all but the biggest catastrophes. Exposure to “toxic stress” in childhood can cause depression,alcoholism, obesity, violent behaviour,...
- Author:Siegel, Daniel J.Summary:
Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson demystify the meltdowns and aggravation, explaining the new science of how a child's brain is wired and how it matures. Complete with clear explanations, age-appropriate strategies for dealing...
- Author:Hebert, ConnieSummary:
The Teachable Minute is a golden opportunity to teach kids something, anywhere, FAST. It can be caught at any time, in common places, where we all live and go. When we make time to Show, Ask, or Teach kids something, we help kids in two...
- Author:Roberts, TerrySummary:
In the world our children will face, neither static definitions of intelligence nor traditional ideas of training will be good enough. To prepare them, parents and educators need to reframe the question of how we educate and come up...
- Author:Tyson, Jon.Summary:
Backed by Barna Research, Jon Tyson offers practical steps to help men raise sons of consequence whose lives will be marked by honor, courage, self-discovery, and community.
- Author:Hutchison, Michele, Mae Acosta, RinaSummary:
Rina Mae Acosta and Michele Hutchison--an American and a Brit, both married to Dutchmen and raising their kids in the Netherlands--report back on what makes Dutch kids so happy and well adjusted.
- Author:Lahey, JessicaSummary:
Teachers and coaches have long been aware of the detrimental effects overprotective parents have on children, but lately there has been a whole new level of overprotectiveness. Students need room to roll with the punches, find their way...
- Author:Hays, SharonSummary:
Working mothers today confront not only conflicting demands on their time and energy but also conflicting ideas about how they are to behave: they must be nurturing and unselfish while engaged in child rearing but competitive and...
- Author:Chapman, GarySummary:
You love your child, but does your child feel loved' Every child has a unique way of feeling loved. When you discover your child's love language-and how to speak it-you can build a solid foundation for your child to trust you...
- Author:Schellenberg, AngelineSummary:
Through public judgments, detouring dreams and unspoken prayers, Tell Them It Was Mozart, Angeline Schellenberg?s debut collection, traces both a slow bonding and the emergence of a defiant humour. This is a book that keens and...
- Author:Cramer, W. DaleSummary:
After a series of bizarre events, ironworker Mick Brannigan finds himself knee-deep in laundry--and considering a retreat to his hopelessly littered kitchen. He soon learns important lessons from unlikely sources.
- Author:Greenberg, JeremySummary:
Wouldn't you love to know what your toddler's thinking when he refuses to stop jumping on the couch? Jeremy Greenberg's hilarious and thoughtful letters give parents a glimpse into the minds of their little ones. Finally, we can hear "...
- Author:Pieper, Martha Heineman, Pieper, William JosephSummary:
Now, with Smart Love, parents can avoid common childrearing mistakes, and obey their natural desire to ensure their children's perfect happiness and emotional well-being.
- Author:Pollack, William S.Summary:
Explains why--and also tells how to rescue boys and help them become more confident and expressive men. Pollack explores how conventional expectations about manhood and masculinity encourage people to treat boys like "little men",...
- Author:Brill, Marlene TargSummary:
Sharpening the minds of your youngsters presents more challenges than climbing Mt. Everest, and the responsibility of making your kids use more of their brain cells can be overwhelming — even when you don't encounter resistance. Raising...
- Author:Taub, RobinSummary:
Whether or not parents are skilled at their own financial management, the book offers a road map of how to teach children, pre-teens, teens and emerging adults the skills they need to be money-smart. With chapters for each age group...
- Author:Ferland, FrancineSummary:
Les parents sont souvent débordés fatigués en manque d'énergie. Concilier le travail l'éducation des enfants la vie familiale sociale et personnelle ce n'est pas une mince affaire ! Comment aider tous ces parents qui ont du mal à...