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Cooking (Spices)

  • Author:
    Engram, Sara, Luber, Katie, Meadows, Nancy, Toqe, Kimberly

    In Spice Dreams, Sara Engram and Katie Luber are back to transform desserts the same way they revolutionized spice cabinets with their two unique lines of organic spices: tsp spices and Smart Spice. In their previous cookbook, The Spice...

  • Author:
    Robertson, Robin

    This book is a revision of Vegan Fire and Spice, with a new cover and a new name. The recipes and all content are exactly the same (with the addition of a few new recipes). If you own Vegan Fire and Spice, you already have this book! "...

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  • Author:
    Holst, Jenna

    If your idea of kicking up a dish is using salt and pepper, there’s a rich and fabulously varied world of spices waiting to be discovered. Mace, coriander, mustard seed, fennel, saffron and paprika don’t have to be those scary,...

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