Meet the 'fast zombie' citizen of the current world. He is a rapid, brainless carrier of preference-driven consumption. His Facebook-style 'likes' replace complex notions of personhood. Legacy college admissions and status-seekers...
- Author:Kingwell, MarkSummary:
- Author:Sutton, Robert I.Summary:
Dr. Robert Sutton spent years studying a phenomenon that almost everyone has experienced and/or participated in, while on the job: that breed of coworker specifically tasked with making work more difficult for everyone around them. Here...
- Author:Boulianne, Frédéric, Dechassey, Laurence, Lareault, GinetteSummary:
Le lynx, Frélo, est un animal gentil. Il naît avec une tache orange sur le dos. Un élève, Finfinaud, qui est à la même école, lui fait de la peine avec cela. Frélo va probablement réagir. Le lynx sensible va-t-il accepter sa...
- Author:Weeks, Kent M.Summary:
In Search of Civility: Confronting Incivility on the College Campus addresses a way that an existing institution—the modern American college—can actively foster civility instead of expecting students to develop this virtue on their own...
- Author:Weeks, Kent M.Summary:
Doing Civility: Breaking the Cycle of Incivility on the Campus, explores ways in which members of the college community can take proactive steps to break the cycle of incivility. Civility requires extending mutual respect to others,...