"Mills's suspenseful, strikingly original sixth Mitch Rapp novel...is as riveting as anything penned by Mitch's creator, Vince Flynn (1966–2013). Mills has really hit his stride with this franchise entry." —...
FICTION / Espionage
- Author:Flynn, VinceSummary:
- Author:Lustbader, Eric Van.Summary:
Russian meddling, American fragmentation, and global politics collide in this action-packed, international thriller. In The Nemesis Manifesto , New York Times bestselling author Eric Van Lustbader, " the master of the smart...
- Author:Hood, JoshuaSummary:
The first in an explosive new series inspired by Robert Ludlum's Bourne universe, The Treadstone Resurrection introduces an unforgettable hero and the shadowy world that forged him... Treadstone made Jason Bourne an unstoppable...