In 1848, Danish sailors set sail to fight Germans. Not all return, and those who do will never be the same, including daredevil Laurids Madsen, who escapes again to the seas. Here also is the story of a Danish town, whose inhabitants...
FICTION / War & Military
- Author:Jensen, CarstenSummary:
- Author:Starritt, AlexanderSummary:
This novel offers a new point of entry to examine one of the greatest evils ever to face humanity. In his years fighting the Russians and attempting afterward to survive the Gulag, Meissner recounts a life lived in perseverance and...
- Author:Atkinson, KateSummary:
Ten years after she was recruited as a spy, Juliet Armstrong presumes the events of those years are in the past. But a different war is being fought now, and she finds herself once more under threat.
- Author:Hofmann, JenniferSummary:
On the day the Berlin Wall falls, Stasi officer Bernd Zeiger's betrayal of his onetime friend has come back to haunt Zeiger. Was Lara the naïf she presented herself to be, or did she know more about him than she admitted? As the...
- Author:Brin, DavidSummary:
One chill winter's day, a survivor in the aftermath of a devastating war borrows the jacket of a long-dead postal worker, and with it he rekindles the spirit of America through the power of a dream.
- Author:Bowen, KellySummary:
Paris, 1942. The Germans may occupy the City of Lights, but glamorous Estelle Allard flourishes in a world separate from the hardships of war. Yet when the Nazis come for her friends, Estelle doesn't hesitate to help those she...
- Author:Simons, PaullinaSummary:
Tatiana Metanova's world is turned upside down when Hitler's armies attack Russia. Yet there is light in the darkness when she meets Alexander, a brave young officer in the Red Army. He is drawn to Tatiana, and she to him. But their...
- Author:Bond, LarrySummary:
When the CIA is tipped off that one of its most wanted men is going to be in Bologna, Italy, Ferg and the First Team are tasked to apprehend him at any cost--but under no circumstances can Italian authorities be made aware. There is...
- Author:Sundaresan, InduSummary:
Trapped in the shadow of the magnificent tomb their grief-stricken father is building for his beloved wife's passing, the emperor's daughters compete for everything. They are forbidden to marry and instead choose to back...
- Author:Mills, KyleSummary:
With U.S. intelligence agencies wracked by internal power struggles and paralyzed by bureaucracy, the president has been forced to establish his own clandestine group, Covert-One. It's activated only as a last resort, when the...
- Author:Forstchen, William R.Summary:
Two years after the detonation of nuclear weapons above the United States brought America to its knees, the survivors of Black Mountain, North Carolina, learn that most of their young people are to be drafted into an "Army of National...
- Author:Parnell, SeanSummary:
One of the best and most effective warriors in the US military's top-secret Program, Eric Steele has been trained to take on lethal enemies, and no threat will deter him from avenging a fallen brother.
- Author:Bond, LarrySummary:
In a bid to dominate Asia and the western Pacific, China provokes a military crisis with the United States and then starts shooting down GPS satellites. America has only a short amount of time to devise some way of protecting its...
- Author:McFate, SeanSummary:
Returning to DC, Tom Locke discovers that a civil war has fractured Apollo Outcomes, his former employer. A division has splintered off, led by an ambitious, unprincipled former colleague. But Apollo couldn't have pulled this off...
- Author:Wilson, Jeffrey, Andrews, BrianSummary:
After an attack on Task Force Ember's compound, Russian spymaster Arkady Zhukov is at it again, directing false flag operations to destabilize Ukraine and enable Russia to control the Black Sea.
- Author:Atkinson, KateSummary:
War survivor Teddy Todd is a would-be poet, heroic pilot, husband, father, and grandfather who must navigate a rapidly changing world, living in a future he never expected to have.