Bob Howard is a special operative for the British agency called The Laundry, and his task is to stop a rogue billionaire from using an artifact, known as Gravedust, with the power to reanimate the dead. The U.S. Black Agency sends the...
Geeks (Computer enthusiasts)
- Author:Stross, CharlesSummary:
- Author:Stross, CharlesSummary:
Covert agent Bob Howard is learning about a top-secret dossier that vanishes with his boss. Determined to discover the contents of this memorandum, Howard runs afoul of Russian spies, ancient demons, and apostles of a hideous cult...
- Author:Stross, CharlesSummary:
A lowly computer geek working for a secret British intelligence agency gets promoted to field service after accidentally saving lives in a disaster. Now he's faced with saving the universe using only his smarts and a disembodied hand...
- Author:Stross, CharlesSummary:
Occasionally hapless British agent Bob Howard tackles a case involving an American televangelist and a supernatural threat of global proportions.
- Author:Keil, MelissaSummary:
Sam Kinnison is a geek, and he's totally fine with that. He has his horror movies, his nerdy friends, World of Warcraft, and until Princess Leia turns up in his bedroom, he doesn't have to worry about girls. Then Camilla...