With his family caught in the crosshairs of a group of brutal killers, detective Cork O'Connor must solve the murder of a young girl in William Kent Krueger's latest unforgettable New York Times bestseller. During a houseboat vacation...
Indigenous reservations
- Author:Krueger, William KentSummary:
- Author:Auger, DanielSummary:
After living away for years, Sandy Lafonde returns to her childhood home at the Watishka First Nation reserve. Little has changed since she left -- a local gang menaces the area, the community is splintered and the Cree youth are left...
- Author:Kinew, WabSummary:
An Indigenous teen girl caught is between two worlds both real and virtual in the YA fantasy debut from bestselling Indigenous author Wab Kinew. Perfect for fans of Ready Player One and the Otherworld series. Bugz is caught between two...
- Author:Erdrich, LouiseSummary:
One of the most revered novelists of our time—a brilliant chronicler of Native-American life—Louise Erdrich returns to the territory of her bestselling, Pulitzer Prize finalist The Plague of Doves with The Round House, transporting...
- Author:Taylor, Drew HaydenSummary:
Nothing ever happens on the Otter Lake reserve. But when 16-year-old Tiffany discovers her father is renting out her room, she's deeply upset. Sure, their guest is polite and keeps to himself, but he's also a little creepy. Little do...
- Author:Erdrich, LouiseSummary:
As a priest nears the end of his life, he is asked to prove or disprove the sainthood of a woman he knows well and struggles to guard his own secret identity in the process.
- Author:Lithman, Yngve GeorgSummary:
A thoughtful account of life on a reserve and of the interaction of Native people with White society, this volume is based on the author’s three years’ experience with one Indian band on the prairie, during a period in which there were...
- Author:Alexie, ShermanSummary:
Spokane Indian Reservation. Fourteen-year-old Junior, beset with physical problems caused by brain damage, transfers to an all-white town school. Called a traitor by his best friend and Tonto by his new classmates, Junior uses humor and...
- Author:Florence, MelanieSummary:
Raised on a reserve in northern Ontario, seventeen-year-old Joe Littlechief tries to be like the other guys. But Joe knows he's different -- he's more interested in guys than in any of the girls he knows. One night Joe makes a drunken...
- Author:Stonier-Newman, LynneSummary:
Powerful and diligent, Peter O’Reilly played a role in shaping British Columbia in the last quarter of the 1800s. An immigrant from Ireland, O’Reilly landed in Victoria during the height of the Cariboo Gold Rush and was appointed gold...
- Author:Dumont, DawnSummary:
Tout est là : voici la vie sur la réserve, en haute définition. Dawn, la narratrice, revisite sa vie familiale, se replonge dans ses années d'école et s'engage résolument sur la voie de l'avenir. Situé quelque part entre le roman d'...
- Author:Snelling, LauraineSummary:
Astrid Bjorklund believes God might use her medical training on a faraway mission field. But when an emergency calls her home, she's confronted with a measles outbreak on a nearby Indian reservation.
- Author:Taylor, Drew HaydenSummary:
A story of magic, family, a mysterious stranger ... and a band of marauding raccoons. Otter Lake is a sleepy Anishnawbe community where little happens. Until the day a handsome stranger pulls up astride a 1953 Indian Chief motorcycle -...
- Author:Chappell, Crissa-JeanSummary:
Half native. Half white. One hundred percent nothing. My mom doesn't want me. My dad just got out of jail. They want me to go live with him on the reservation, in the Everglades. Trouble is, everybody there just ignores me. At least I...
- Author:Fontaine, Naomi, Mémoire d'encrierSummary:
Une enseignante de français en poste sur une réserve innue de la Côte-Nord raconte la vie de ses élèves qui cherchent à se prendre en main. Elle tentera tout pour les sortir de la détresse, même se lancer en théâtre avec eux. Dans ces...
- Author:Thibault, VincentSummary:
Confinées à Chisasibi, réserve amérindienne dans le Nord du Québec, les bêtes traquent les bêtes et survivent comme elles le peuvent à leurs solitudes. Une dentiste candide, un professeur blasé, un père en dépression, un adolescent...
- Author:Taylor, Drew HaydenSummary:
Rien ne se produit jamais dans la réserve anishinabe de Lac-aux-Loutres. Enfin, jusqu'à l'arrivée d'un séduisant étranger aux cheveux blonds porté par une rutilante moto Indian Chief 1953. Les intentions du...
- Author:Fontaine, NaomiSummary:
"J'aimerais que vous la connaissiez la fille au ventre rond. Celle qui élèvera seule ses enfants. Qui criera après son copain qui l'aura trompée. Qui pleurera seule dans son salon, qui changera des couches toute sa vie....
- Author:Shimo-Barry, AlexSummary:
When freelance journalist Alexandra Shimo arrives in Kashechewan, a fly-in, northern Ontario reserve, to investigate rumours of a fabricated water crisis and document its deplorable living conditions, she finds herself drawn into the...
- Author:Gentile, LeslieSummary:
It's the summer of 1978 and most people think Elvis Presley has been dead for a year. But eleven-year-old Truly knows Elvis is alive and well and living in her trailer park. It's a busy summer. Though Truly's mother is constantly...