Qwill has decided to rent Gage mansion in Pickax for the winter. While preparing for a newscast on the devasting fire of 1869 that ravaged part of the mansion and most of the town, he and Koko uncover some interesting artifacts that...
Journalists - United States
- Author:BRAUN, Lilian JacksonSummary:
- Author:BRAUN, Lilian JacksonSummary:
The residents of Pickax take pride in a town which has considerably less crime than the places "Down Below." However, this holiday season has seen a streak of small crimes. New in town is the bank manager, Willard Carmichael...
- Author:BRAUN, Lilian JacksonSummary:
The development of a major resort complex at the southern end of Breakfast Island is causing a ruckus. Local residents, summer people and mainland fishermen are all hopping mad that the peace of their island retreat is being shattered....