Tre anni fa, la madre di Bear McKenna se ne è andata per una destinazione sconosciuta con il suo nuovo ragazzo, lasciando Bear a crescere il fratellino Tyson di sette anni, detto anche Kid. In qualche modo ce l’hanno fatto, ma visto che...
Male homosexuality
- Author:Klune, T. J.Summary:
- Author:Erno, JeffSummary:
Shawn Graham and Bobby Wilder couldn’t be more different. Shawn is a devout Christian fundamentalist from northern Michigan; Bobby is a street-smart latchkey kid from southern Ohio. From an early age, they are both confused and troubled...
- Author:Delany, Samuel R.Summary:
If one street in America can claim to be the most infamous, it is surely 42nd Street. Between Seventh and Eighth Avenues, 42nd Street was once known for its peep shows, street corner hustlers and movie houses. Over the last two decades...
- Author:Loy, TeeganSummary:
Ryan's finally home after a long week of hiding in a hotel while his boyfriend's parents visited. He isn't happy that Jordan hasn’t told his parents he’s gay but believes Jordan when he promises to come out. When Jordan’s family ends up...
- Author:Bray, AlanSummary:
- Author:Comeau, JoeySummary:
Now in one volume, Lockpick Pornography and its thematic sequel, We all Got it Coming
Lockpick Pornography is a genderqueer adventure story, and We All Got It Coming is about a young couple...
- Author:Klune, T. J.Summary:
Il y a trois ans, la mère de Bear McKenna a mis les voiles avec son dernier petit ami en date, laissant à Bear la tâche d’élever son petit frère de six ans Tyson, surnommé le Moustique. Depuis, les deux frères ont appris à se...
- Author:Chauncey, GeorgeSummary:
- Author:Burke, SamSummary:
Sean Gordon returns from the war in Afghanistan with a bad leg, no job and a heart grieving for lost friends. Lonely and searching, he’s interested in exploring his submissive side but can’t even tell his own family he’s gay. He's...
- Author:Klune, T. J.Summary:
Set in a world that closely resembles our own, Burn is a story of redemption and betrayal, of family and sacrifice, which leads to the greatest question of all: how far would you go to save the ones you love? Fifteen years ago, Felix...
- Author:Klune, T.J.Summary:
Three years ago, Bear McKenna’s mother took off for parts unknown with her new boyfriend, leaving Bear to raise his six-year-old brother Tyson, aka the Kid. Somehow they’ve muddled through, but since he’s totally devoted to the Kid,...
- Author:Klune, T. J.Summary:
Drei Jahre zuvor hat sich Bär McKennas Mutter mit ihrem neuen Freund aus dem Staub gemacht—wohin, weiß niemand. Damit war Bär gezwungen, seinen sechsjährigen Bruder Tyson, besser bekannt als `der Junge`, allein aufzuziehen. Seitdem...