This examines investments and health care, proposing ways to protect and increase a financial portfolio through careful observations and decisions. Weiss offers five main lessons to better understand the stock market: watch for hidden...
Middle-aged persons
- Author:Weiss, Martin D.Summary:
- Author:Kelley, Pamela M.Summary:
Mandy, Emma and Jill grew up together on Nantucket. Mandy lives in Dover, administrative assistant at a financial services firm. Jill lives in Manhattan, co-owner of a successful executive search firm. Emma lives in Arizona, an...
- Author:Freedman, MarcSummary:
Freedman seeks to alleviate much of the hand-wringing surrounding the aging baby boomer generation. Freedman hopes that by providing guidance, training, education and support to the millions entering the 60 to 80-year-old life phase, a...
- Author:Sparks, NicholasSummary:
This is the story of two small-town former high school sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks. Now middle-aged, they have taken wildly divergent paths, but neither has lived the life they imagined, and neither can forget the...
- Author:DeCapite, MichaelSummary:
Mike knew June in New York's downtown music scene in the eighties. Back then he thought she was "the living night." Now he's twice divorced and so happy alone that he's writing a book about it. Then he meets...
- Author:Dickinson, Mary LouSummary:
Shortly after the first referendum on Quebec separation, four people in their forties encounter each other in Ile d’Or, the town where all of them grew up. The novel is about gold and greed and renewal and hope. About people who emerge...
- Author:Roth, PhilipSummary:
The hero of Everyman is obsessed with mortality. As he reminds himself at one point, "I'm thirty-four! Worry about oblivion when you're seventy-five." But he cannot help himself. He is the ex-husband in three marriages gone wrong. He is...